European Ophthalmic Pathology Society


Name Meeting Location Sumary Statement Diagnosis Links
Alfaro, Luis 2022 ValenciaeyelidA 65-year-old woman with a rapidly growing tumor in the upper left eyelidCutaneous leishmaniasis of the eyelidProtocol
Alkatan, Hind M. (Guest):2022 Valenciaextopic ocular tissueA 10-month-old boy presented with a painless scrotal mass.External examination demonstrated left scrotal non-tender hard mass measuring 4x3 cm in size, with negative transillumination test. Ultrasonography of left scrotum showed a well-circumscribed, oval shaped mass with mixed echogenicity, The mass contained both cystic and solid component, with no clear visualization of the left testicle.The patient underwent left scrotal exploration with high inguinal orchidectomyEctopic Ocular Tissue in Testicular TeratomaProtocol
Arias García, Elena (Guest)2022 Valenciacilliary body, irisIridociliary melanoma in a 55-year-old woman after excisional surgery of a tumor-like lesion on her right eye irisMalignant melanoma affecting iris and ciliary body after excisional biopsy of a macroscopic iris tumor-like lesionProtocol
Auw-Hädrich, Claudia 2022 Valenciavitreous51-years old male patient with unilateral sudden visual loss due to cellular vitreous infiltration.Intraocular metastasis of a primary cutaneous T-cell lymphoma of Mycosis fungoides SubtypeProtocol
Bella Cueto, María Rosa 2022 Valenciaeyelid, caruncle78-year-old male with a bulging and bleeding lesion in the caruncle of the right eye, with adhesion to the tarsal conjunctiva of the nasal third of the lower eyelidAdenosquamous carcinoma of the caruncleProtocol
Blasi, Maria Antonietta 2022 ValenciaorbitAn orbital malignant melanoma arising in cellular blue nevus in a 52-year-old Caucasian manOrbital Malignant Melanoma arising in Cellular Blue NevusProtocol
Dinarès Fernández, Carme 2022 Valenciaeyelid68 year old woman with inflammation of the left upper eyelid of 1 month of evolution and horizontal binocular diplopia of 4-5 days of evolutionsarcoidosisProtocol
Heegaard, Steffen 2022 Valenciaconjunctiva71 year old woman with a presumed left upper eyelid chalazion refractory to therapy.Allergic conjunctival granuloma presenting the Splendore-Hoeppli PhenomenonProtocol
Herwig-Carl, Martina 2022 Valenciaeyelid45-year-old woman with swelling of the left upper eyelid for 2 months. Conjunctival biopsyneuroendocrine tumor (NET, G3)Protocol
Kennedy, Susan2022 ValenciaconjuctivaExenteration specimen of a 70-year-old female who underwent multiple (14) surgeries for conjunctival melanoma over a period of two years.Refractory localised conjunctival melanoma treated with BRAF/MEK inhibitionProtocol
Kivela, Tero 2022 ValenciaeyeAnterior chamber extension of retinoblastomaAnterior chamber extension of retinoblastomaProtocol
Lamas, Nuno Jorge (Guest)2022 ValenciaorbitExpansive lesion in the Right superomedial orbital quadrant, with grossly ovoid and lobulated contours, and 22x22x11 mm. It had regular and well-defined limits and homogeneous content, apparently contacted the eyeball, as well as the medial rectus and superior rectus muscles, deflecting them, with no signs of invasion. Solitary fibrous tumour of the orbitProtocol
Lang, Stefan 2022 ValenciavitreousA 63-year-old patient presented with loss of vision over the course of 6 to 8 weeks. After clinical examination, there was the suspicion of uveitis under treatment with a Tyrosine kinase inhibitorExtramedullary vitreal plasmacytomaProtocol
Lassalle, Sandra(Guest)2022 ValenciaconjuctivaA 15 year old woman presenting with a left eye conjunctival pigmented lesion. The lesion has recently changed.Juvenile conjunctival compound nevus with balloon cell featuresProtocol
Löeffler, Karin2022 ValenciaeyeEnucleation of a painful blind eye after perforation injury 39 years ago (and multiple surgeries during the following years).Endothelialisation after perforating trauma and indenting retinal surgeryProtocol
Massi, Daniela (Guest)2022 Valenciaeyelid73-year-old female with a 7mm in diameter, smooth, erythematous nodule with teleangectasias on the right upper eyelid of 4 years duration. Madarosis was also observed. Past clinical history included a previous diagnosis of breast cancer 10 months before..Endocrine mucin-producing sweat gland carcinomaProtocol
Messmer, Elisabeth M. 2022 Valenciaeyelid77 yo male patient presenting with an upper eyelid mass. A tumor had been excised from the same area two years prior elsewhere.Dabska Tumor of the Eye LidProtocol
Meyer, Peter2022 ValenciaorbitBreakthrough of an aggressive tumor into the orbit.SMARCB1-deficient sinonasal carcinoma of the right cavum nasi and ethmoidal cells with infiltration into the right orbitProtocol
Mihic-Probst, Daniela 2022 ValenciaorbitA 26-year-old patient has been suffering for two years from a massive right exophthalmos Orbital ecchinococcus cysticusProtocol
Moulin, Alexandre2022 ValenciaeyelidProgressive swelling of left upper and lower eyelids, conjunctival chemosis, and redness in a 47 year old female. Orbital biopsies and a further conjunctival biopsy are performed.Extranodal Natural Killer/T (ENTK) Cell Lymphoma, nasal type of the right orbit and eyelidProtocol
Mudhar, Hardeep Singh 2022 ValenciaLacrimal gland36 y old female with enlarged right lacrimal gland. Known Systemic lupus erythematosis (on Hydroxychloroquine) and anti-phospholipid syndrome. Lacrimal gland biopsied.Rosai-Dorfmann disease Protocol
Peris Martínez, Cristina (Guest)2022 ValenciacorneaHistological findings after corneal ring segments explantation in a patient with radial keratotomy and post-LASIK ectasia.Corneal ectasia associated to LASIKProtocol
Proia, Alan D. (Guest of Honor)2022 ValenciaorbitA three-year-old boy developed proptosis over three weeks. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging disclosed a 3.2 x 1.9 cm soft-tissue mass of the right extraconal and intraconal orbit with sphenoid bone erosion. The tumor was debulked through an upper eyelid crease incision.Spindle Cell/Sclerosing Rhabdomyosarcoma of the OrbitProtocol
Rašić, Dejan M. 2022 Valenciaciliary bodyA 71-year old female patient presented with a ciliary body tumour in an eye with iris bicolor Ciliary body melanocytic tumour of uncertain malignant potentialProtocol
Roberts, Fiona 2022 Valenciaorbit46 year old female. Left frontal lobe glioblastoma treated with surgery and radiotherapy. Orbital lesion for a few weeks. Two x biopsy - grossly white fish flesh appearance? Lymphoma.extraskeletal osteosarcoma (ESOS)Protocol
Saornil, Maria Antonia 2022 ValenciaeyeThe patient is a 64yo men with history of vision lossin the left eye (LE) in the last month due to vitreous hemorrhage. Ocular history: low vision since childhood because of choriorretinitis. Suspected intraocular tumor.Focal Reactive Nodular Retinal GliosisProtocol
Tresserra, Francesc (Guest)2022 Valenciaeye26 year old male with history of Von Hipple Lindau syndrome. Enucleation of the left eye was performedRetinal hemangioblastomaProtocol
van der Valk, Paul 2022 Valenciaorbit2The patient was a man of 22 years who presented with ptosis and a swelling of his left upper eyelid in the temporal region. MRI of the left orbit showed a hyperintense lesion in the left upper lateral quadrant of the orbit, either arising from, or compressing the lacrimal gland. There was some displacement of the bulbus. The differential diagnosis was dermoid cyst (not entirely typical) or hemorrhagic lesion, such as hemangioma or hemorrhagis pleomorphic adenoma. The tumour was successfully excised.cystic epithelial choristomaProtocol
Van Ginderdeuren, Rita 2022 ValenciaorbitExenteration specimen in 18y old lady after recurrence of disease. Low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma of orbitProtocol
Van Keer, Luisa Maria (Guest)2022 ValenciaeyeEnucleation specimen in 71 year-old man after iodium radiationactive uveal malignant choroidal melanoma after radiotherapy, with granulomatous inflammation from uncertain originProtocol
Verdijk, Rob M. 2022 Valenciaeye67 year old male, penetrating trauma aged 13 (tree branch), loss of light perception. Since a few months a hard subconjunctival lesion inferior on the same eyeIntraocular undifferentiated pleiomorphic sarcomaProtocol
Weller, Julia 2022 ValenciacorneaCorneal edema occurring 45 years after penetrating keratoplasty in a patient with keratoconusCorneal ectasia with late detachment of Descemet’s membrane 45 years after penetrating keratoplasty for keratoconusProtocol
Alfaro, Luis 2021 onlineeye globeA 85-year-old woman with two episodes of choroidal detachment presented, two years later intraocular mass suspicious for neoplasia in the contralatera l (L) eye. Enucleation is performed.Retinal synechia in massive hemorrhagic choroidal detachmentProtocol
Alkatan, Hind 2021 onlineconjunctivaA 44-year-old male, who was not known to have medical illnesses, presented to our facility with a recurrent right lower lid swelling of 1-month duration and was progressing in size. The eye was quiet and there was no reduced vision. We had no access to any information about the previous excision.conjunctival plasmacytomaProtocol
García Álvarez, Ciro2021 onlineeye globeThe patient is a 63 year old men with 36 years history of left eye and orbit trauma (car crash). Neovascular glaucoma was developed in left eye. In routine check intraocular mass was detected.Adenoma of the pigmented retinal epitheliumProtocol
Auw-Hadrich, Claudia2021 onlineIrisIris tumour of a 67-year-old female patient known since childhood.Ectopic thyroid tissue of the irisProtocol
Bella Cueto, Maria Rosa2021 onlinelacrimal sac42-year-old male with a lesion that occupies the nasolacrimal drainage system and that has been excisedAngioleiomyoma (vascular leiomyoma)Protocol
Blasi, Maria Antonietta2021 onlineIris, cilliary bodyA 67 year-old man presenting with an iridociliary amelanotic mass.Adenocarcinoma of the nonpigmented epithelium of the ciliary bodyProtocol
Bugiani, Marianna2021 onlineeye globeRight eye of a 4-month-old female infant with imaging features compatible with an unilateral retinoblastoma.adenocarcinoma of the retinal pigment epitheliumProtocol
Dinares Fernandez, M. Carme2021 onlineorbitA 78 year old male patient was derivate to our hospital dueto exophthalmos of the left eye. He had a post surgica l left facial paralysis after preauricu lar parotid tumor exeresis and left ocular hypertension. An orbital computed tomography sean showed a 20 x 18 mm left intra canal orbital massneurofibroma with intratumoral mini-SchwannomaProtocol
Dreher-lrion, Luciane2021 onlinelacrimal sac A 58-year-old fema le with right chronic dacryoadenitis far 6 months. Right la crimal sac mass faund intraoperatively. non-keratinising undifferentiated nasopharyngeal-type carcinoma Protocol
Frouin, Eric 2021 onlinelacrimal sac Left exenteration in a 63 yo woman with internal canthus lesion. In her past medical history, she had an excision of a cont ralateral branchial cyst 13 years before, and a Pl6+ epidermoid carcinoma of the contra lateral tonsil with positive lymph node five years before treated by surgery followed Lacrimal drainage apparatus metastasis of a P16 + HPV tonsil epidermoid carcinoma Protocol
Girnita, Leonhard 2021 onlineorbit Orbital tumor in a 77-year-old woman with previous diagnostics of myeloma, breast and uterine cancer. Myeloma Protocol
Heegaard, Steffen 2021 onlinelacrimal gland Tumour of the lacrimal gland in a 73-year-old Caucasian female. Ductal carcinoma in situ ex pleomorphic adenoma of the lacrimal gland Protocol
Herwig-Carl, Martina 2021 onlinesclera 65 year old female patient with a unilateral (epi)scleral mass unresponsive to local and systemic therapy IgG4-related sclerosing disease of the sclera Protocol
Kennedy, Susan 2021 onlineeyelid 58 year old man presented with a cystic lesion of right lower eyelid EMPSGC associated primary cutaneous Invasive mucinous carcinoma Protocol
Kivelä, Tero 2021 onlinecornea After four decades of recurring attacks of unilateral pain, pericorneal injection and photophobia alternating between the eyes, eventual ly leading to bilateral central horizontally oval corneal stromal opacities, penetrating keratoplasty was performed at the age of 48 years. Keratitis fugax hereditaria: an ocular autoinflammatory cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome Protocol
Kramer, Zsofi 2021 onlineeyeball Enucleated right eye of a 14 months old girl, who presented with a squint. Ultrasonography and MRI disclosed an intraocular tumour Unilateral retinoblastoma Protocol
Lang, Stefan 2021 onlineeyelid A 17 month old child was presented with a swelling anterior to the lacrimal sac. MRI and CT scans showed a tumour near the nasolacrimal duct with a size of 27 x 20 mm. An incisional biopsy was performed. After the procedure, a rapid growth of the lesion occurred. Aggressive fibromatosis (desmoid-type fibromatosis) Protocol
Löffler, Karin 2021 onlineeyeball Enucleation for endophthalmitis in a 83 year old lady “Calcinosis” oculi Protocol
Luthert, Phil 2021 onlineorbit 28 y old male with left orbital lesion including conjunctiva of lower lid. Previous I+C but no histological diagnosis available Orbital Rosai-Dorfman Disease Protocol
Messmer, Elisabeth 2021 onlinelacrimal gland 60 year old female patient with severe dry eye developing a cystic lacrimal gland tumor Lymphoepithelial cyst with lymphoepithelial dacryoadenitis associated with Sjögren’s Syndrome Protocol
Messmer, Elisabeth 2021 onlinelacrimal gland 60 year old female patient with severe dry eye developing a cystic lacrimal gland tumor Lymphoepithelial cyst with lymphoepithelial dacryoadenitis associated with Sjögren’s Syndrome Protocol
Meyer, Peter 2021 onlineorbit Huge congenital orbital tumor of the left side Mature cystic teratoma Protocol
Mihic-Probst, Daniela 2021 onlineorbit 9 year and 7 month old boy with fast growing orbital tumor Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma Protocol
Mihic-Probst, Daniela 2021 onlineorbit 9 year and 7 month old boy with fast growing orbital tumor Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma Protocol
Moulin, Alexandre 2021 onlineeyeball Leukocoria in 6 days old boy. Enucleation after 3 intravitreal melphalan injections and one supraselective intra-arterial melphalan injection Retinal giant cell astrocytoma invading the optic nerve to the lamina cribrosa Protocol
Mudhar, Hardeep Singh 2021 onlineeyelid 48-y-old white Caucasian male with a 6 week history of swelling of the left upper lid. Examination shows red/violet diffuse swelling of the upper eyelid. No history of trauma.? lnflammatory? Neoplastic infiltration cutaneous lupus of tumid type Protocol
Rasic, Dejan 2021 onlineiris An 77-year old female with iris lesion, recurrent spontaneous hyphaema and secondary glaucoma. thrombosed varix of the iris Protocol
Roberts, Fiona 2021 onlinesclera 83 year old female past history of left endothelial corneal transplant 2016, then developed left acanthamoeba keratitis with secondary scleritis. Recent central corneal thinning with chronic epithelial defect. Left enucleation Acanthamoeba scleritis Protocol
Rymgayllo-Jankowska, Beata2021 onlineeyelid The patient was a 60 y.o. man, who presented with a painless, firm, green peas - sized bump localized at the lateral aspect of the left upper eyelid. The tumor was first noticed by a patient 5-6 months befare presentation Subcutaneos dirofilariasis of the eyelid Protocol
Sach, Josef 2021 onlinelacrimal gland Woman aged 54 years, orbital tumor in the region of the left lacrimal gland. Orbital Metastasis of the Breast Carcinoma Protocol
Salinas La Rosa, Cesar 2021 onlineorbit 30 yo Male from an Asian background. Patient presented with mild diplopía. A palpable mass could be felt through the inferior eyelid medially above the zygomatic arch. On imaging there as a well circumscribed mass (25x25mm) within the left inferior orbit in clase association with the inferior oblique. Granular cell tumour (GCT) Protocol
Saornil, Maria Antonia 2021 onlineiris, ciliary body The patient is a 38 yo men with 2 months history of decreased vision and ocular hypertension reluctant to topical treatment in the left eye. Diffuse Iris and Ciliary Body Melanocytoma Mimicking Malignant Melanoma Protocol
Seregard, Stefan 2021 onlineciliary body A 3.5 year old girl with small ciliary body mass and neovascular glaucoma. Not presented Protocol
Thal, Dietmar 2021 onlineorbit Orbital biopsy of a 43y old lady. Intra-orbital Neuroma Protocol
Thaung, Caroline 2021 onlineeyeball Globe of a 65 year old white male who spent his entire life in Kenya. Squamous cell carcinoma / Ocular surface squamous neoplasia SCC/OSSN with extensive intraocular invasion Protocol
van der Valk, Paul 2021 onlineeyeball The patient was a girl of 5 years old. She was diagnosed with a pleuropulmonary blastema at the age of 4 and further analysis found a DICER mutation. She was successfully treated far her lung tumour but in the follow-up leukocoria and a blind right eye was found and she was sent to the VUMC on suspicion of an intra-ocular tumour in the right eye. Funduscopic examination showed a retrolental membrane and upan MRI a mass was found in ar near the ciliary body. Though the whole clinical and radiological picture was not entirely clear a medulloepithelioma was a strong consideration and after much debate, also with the parents, the right eye was enucleated. Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous. A spectrum of disease Protocol
Van Ginderdeuren, Rita 2021 onlineeyeball Autopsy eye of a 38y old man. Intra-ocular Diffuse Large B cell Lymphoma with Toxoplasmosis in HIV patient Protocol
Verdijk, Rob M. 2021 onlineeyeball 5O year old female, subacute encephalopathy with neuropsychiatric symptoms. ocular involvement of primary angiitis of the central nervous System (PACNS). Protocol
Weller, Julia 2021 onlineeyelid Chronic, severe, bilateral lid swelling in a 37 year-old female. Oligosymptomatic variant of Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome Protocol
Alfaro, Luis 2019 Lausannelacrimal glandA 41-year-old man developed a tumor in the left lacrimal gland, a third recurrence after previous resections 15 and 13 years agoRecurrent lacrimal gland pleomorphic adenomaProtocol
Barnhill, Raymond2019 Lausanneglobe, uveal65-year-old man underwent enucleation for a mass in right eye on ophthalmologic examination. Approximately 10 months later a liver nodule was resected and despite DTIC therapy, the patient died from metastatic disease 9 months later.Primary uveal melanoma with high-risk profile and angiotropismProtocol
Bella Cueto, Rosa2019 LausanneconjunctivaA 78-yo man affected by conjunctiva! tumor finally diagnosed as adenocarcinoma NOS arising from accessory lacrimal glands.Sebaceoma with main cystic component of steatocystoma/sebaceous duct cyst typeProtocol
Blasi, Maria Antonietta2019 Lausanneconjunctiva80-year-old male with a lesion in the tarsal conjunctiva of the lower left eyelid. Excision of the lesion.Adenocarcinoma of the accessory lacrimal glandsProtocol
Coupland, Sarah2019 Lausanneglobe, choroidA 49-year-old man in good general health suddenly lost vision in his right eye one day after a workout at the gym. He reported good vision prior to that without any symptoms of flashes, floaters or shadows. He was referred to the vitreoretinal department of a tertiary eye hospital, where he presented with a drop in vision to light perception only in his haemorrhagic right phakic eye.Spontaneous necrosis of a large choroidal melanomaProtocol
Dreher-Irion Luciane2019 LausanneeyelidMale, 80 years old. Left upper eyelid lesionEndocrine mucin-producing sweat gland carcinomaProtocol
Girnita Leonard2019 Lausannechoroid, retinaChorioretinal biopsy in a 76-year old manChoroidal metastases as initial presentation of metastatic lung cancerProtocol
Herwig-Carl Martina C2019 Lausanneeyelid75-year-old woman who underwent a wedge resection for a lesion of the lower eyelid which was highly suspicious for a neoplasmRegressive basal cell carcinomaProtocol
Hogan, R. Nick2019 Lausanneretina, optic nerve50-year-old white woman with four-year history of a resting tremor affecting both feetAdult Polyglucosan Body DiseaseProtocol
Kivela, Tero2019 LausannecorneaAnterior lamellar keratoplasty: 29-year-old man with atopy, follicular keratosis and alopecia from age 4 yearsCorneal involvement in keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvansProtocol
Lang, Stefan2019 LausanneeyebrownA 30-year-old patient with a round displaceable tumor close to the eyebrow first noticed 3 months previously. Pilomatricoma was suspected.Chondroid syringoma / pleomorphic adenoma of the eyebrowProtocol
Loffler, Karin U.2019 Lausannecornea, globeEnucleation for massive exposure keratitis in a 52-year-old lady with Locked-in syndromeCorneal epithelial metaplasia with intrastromal foreign body material, Schnabel's optic atrophyProtocol
Luthert, Phil2019 Lausannecornea, globeA 66 y old female with symmetrical bilateral corneal stromal opacification. No family - eye disease. LCAT deficiency (lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase)Protocol
Messmer, Elisabeth M.2019 Lausanneconjunctiva48-year-old male patient with subconjunctival tumor and secondary glaucomaPrimary Extranodal Solitary Plasmacytoma of the ConjunctivaProtocol
Meyer, Peter2019 LausanneorbitManifestation of an orbital tumor in a 1.5 month-old infantembryonal orbital rhabdomyosarcomaProtocol
Mihic-Probst, Daniela2019 Lausanneorbit, lacrimal sac64-year old women with orbital tumorSquamous cell carcinoma of the lacrimal sacProtocol
Moulin, Alexandre2019 LausannechoroidA non-pigmented tumor is found in the inferior fundus of a 40 yo male. There are a few calcifications at the apex of the tumor. Transcleral biopsyChoroidal solitary fibrous tum orProtocol
Mudhar, Hardeep Singh2019 Lausanneeyelid56-year-old man of Nepalese nationality. Been in the UK for 6 years. Developed left upper eyelid dermatochalasis over a period of many months. Thought to be plexiform neurofibroma. Debulked by surgeon. H&E of left upper eyelid skinlepromatous leprosyProtocol
Rasic, Dejan2019 LausanneorbitRightside orbital tumour with anophthalmia in a neonatePrimary orbital teratoma with anophthalmia in a neonateProtocol
Roberts, Fiona2019 Lausanneeyelid78 year old male. Recurrent tumour right upper eyelid - with several previous excision over 7 years. Section of most recent excisionHidradenocarcinoma of the EyelidProtocol
Sach, Josef 2019 Lausanneeyelid47-year-old man, biopsy from the bilateral eyelid massBilateral Amyloidosis of the EyelidsProtocol
Salinas-La Rosa, Cesar M2019 LausanneconjunctivaLCH on a background of APECED"localized Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) of conjunctiva with an autoimmune recessive inherited twist (APECED)Protocol
Saornil, Maria Anatonia2019 LausanneirisThe patient is a 66 yo man with twelve months history of decreased vision in the left eyeMacroadenoma of Iris Pigment Epithelium Mimicking MelanomaProtocol
Seregard, Stefan2019 Lausanneorbit, choroid71 yr old woman with left orbital mass. Previous ruthenium brachytherapy for contralateral eye choroidal melanomaChoroidal melanoma metastatic to the contralateral orbit as the first sign of systemic diseaseProtocol
Soylemezoglu, Figen2019 Lausannechoroid, scleraA 33-year-old male patient had been treated for left scleritis for two years and suffered from visual impairment. With a preliminary diagnosis of choroidal tumor, enucleation of the eyeball was performedIgG4-related Disease Mimicking Ocular MalignancyProtocol
Thaung, Caroline2019 Lausannesclera39 year old woman with a scleral tumourEpiscleral neurofibroma in a patient with neurofibromatosis type IProtocol
Van der Valk, Paul2019 LausannecorneaPatient is a woman of 84 years old. She had a history of deteriorating vision, due to corneal cloudingFish eye disease of the corneaProtocol
Van Ginderdeuren, Rita2019 LausanneorbitOrbital biopsy, 40y old lady; debulking mass, trauma 35 years before, only last months troubled by mass in orbitMassive recurrent orbital silicate induced fibrosis after remote pencil traumaProtocol
Verdijk, Rob M2019 Lausanneorbit25 year old male,_scaphocephaly trachomalacia, carpal tunnel syndrome, coxarthrosis.ocular manifestations of mucopolysaccharidosis type VIProtocol
Weller, Julia2019 LausanneorbitSevere corneal complication in an 82-year-old patient with orbital metastasis from breast cancerOrbital metastasis of a lobular differentiated carcinoma of the breast. Necrotizing bacterial keratitisProtocol
Alfaro, Luis 2018 GlasgowconjunctivaPseudosarcomatous conjunctival nodule after pterygium removalPseudosarcomatous conjunctival nodule
Auw-Haedrich, Claudia2018 GlasgoworbitAcute proptosis with loss of vision due to an orbital vascular tumour in a 57 year-old manProtocol
Barnhill, Raymond (guest)2018 GlasgoweyelidChronic cutaneous discoid lupus erythematosus: Clinical and histopathologic simulant of epithelial neoplasms of the eyelidProtocol
Bechrakis, Nikolaos2018 Glasgowuveal tractBDUMP (bilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation) secondary to unknown primaryProtocol
Bella, Maria Rosa (guest)2018 GlasgoweyelidTumour in the eyelid with local recurrenceProtocol
Blasi, Maria Antonietta2018 GlasgoworbitOrbital metastasis from pancreatic adenocarcinomaProtocol
Coupland, Sarah2018 GlasgowchoroidEnigmatic choroidal tumourProtocol
Dinarès, M Carme (guest)2018 GlasgoworbitPseudosarcomatous mass in the right periorbital regionProtocol
Van Ginderdeuren, Rita2018 GlasgoweyelidPapillary, tubular apocrine adenoma in upper eyelid, conjunctival side Protocol
Heegaard, Steffen2018 GlasgoworbitPrimary orbital precursor T-cell lymphoblastic lymphomaProtocol
Herwig-Carl, Martina2018 GlasgowcorneaHistological changes after corneal crosslinking in a keratoplasty of a 30 year old manProtocol
Holbach, Leonard2018 GlasgoweyelidSlowly progressive proptosis OS in a 4-year-old boyProtocol
Irion, Luciane Dreher (guest)2018 Glasgowlacrimal sacLacrimal sac fistula complicating microsporidial infectionProtocol
Kennedy, Susan2018 GlasgowglobePost mortem globe from infant with retinopathy of prematurityProtocol
Kivelä, Tero2018 Glasgowoptic nerveTraumatic pneumatisation of the optic nerveProtocol
Lang, Stefan (guest)2018 GlasgowconjunctivaNeurothekeoma of the conjunctivaProtocol
Löffler, Karin2018 GlasgowcorneaRepeat KeratoplastyProtocol
Luthert, Phil2018 GlasgowchoroidRevisiting the orgin of lipid particles in Bruch’s membraneProtocol
Meiller, Ralph (guest)2018 GlasgowconjunctivaWhitish multifocal lesions of the conjunctiva in a 70-year-old maleProtocol
Messmer, Elisabeth2018 GlasgowcorneaHaematocorneaProtocol
Meyer, Peter2018 GlasgoworbitDiffuse orbital mass in an 11-year-old girlProtocol
Moulin, Alexandre2018 GlasgowglobeLeukocoria in a 2-weeks old baby with suspicion of a Bourneville sclerosisProtocol
Mudhar Singh, Hardeep (guest)2018 Glasgowlacrimal sacAllergic mucin of the lacrimal sacProtocol
Proença, Rui2018 Glasgowchoroid“Knapp-Ronne” choroidal melanomaProtocol
Rašic, Dejan2018 GlasgoworbitPrimary chondroid chordoma of the (anterior) orbitProtocol
Roberts, Fiona2018 GlasgowglobeExtranodal marginal zone lymphoma with intraocular spreadProtocol
Rymgayllo-Jankowska, Beata2018 GlasgowcorneaAtypical presentation of Acanthamoeba keratitis in a 48 year old.womanAcanthamoeba keratitisProtocol
Sach, Josef2018 GlasgowglobeSympathetic ophthalmitisProtocol
Salamao, Diva (guest of honour)2018 GlasgowglobeIntraocular post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder with MALT-type morphologyProtocol
Salinas La Rosa, Cesar (guest)2018 GlasgoworbitEosinophilic angiocentric fibrosis with IgG4 disease Protocol
Scheie, David (guest)2018 Glasgoweyelid62 year old woman with a slowly growing tumour on the upper eyelidProtocol
Thaung, Caroline2018 GlasgowcorneaGelatinous drop-like dystrophyProtocol
Thum, Chee (guest)2018 GlasgoweyelidPeriocular Subcutaneous / Deep Granuloma Annulare in an adult with diabetes mellitusProtocol
Tynninen, Olli (guest)2018 Glasgowcilliari bodyRetinoinvasive melanoma of the ciliary bodyProtocol
Van der Valk, Paul2018 GlasgowglobeMeningeoma after retinoblastoma, 2 case reportsProtocol
Vemuganti, Geeta (guest)2018 GlasgowcorneaCorneal InfectionProtocol
Verdijk, Rob2018 GlasgowglobeRetinal haemorrhage due to ocular involvement of acute promyelocytic leukemiaProtocol
Weller, Julia (guest)2018 Glasgoweyelid73-year old patient with bilateral proptosis treated with vemurafenib Protocol
Alfaro, Luis 2017 LeuvencorneaAfter a negative small corneal biopsy in a 28-year-old-woman, long-term contact lenses wearer, with corneal ulcer of suspectet infectious origin, keratoplasty is performedAcanthamoeba keratitis and crystalline keratopathy Protocol
Alkatan, Hind (guest)2017 LeuveneyelidA 35 year oldmale presenting with slowly progressive lef lateral sub-brow lump. History of trauma t sub-brow area 3 months agoNodular fasciitisProtocol
Auw-Haedrich, Claudia2017 LeuvenorbitAcute myeloid leukemia with orbital involvementAcute myeloid leukemia with orbital involvementProtocol
Barnhill, Raymond (guest)2017 LeuveneyelidNot presentedChronic Cutaneous (Discoid) Lupus ErythematosusProtocol
Bechrakis, Nikolas E.2017 Leuvenglobe80 year old female with multiple intraocular pigmented tumoursRetinoinvasive uveal melanomaProtocol
Bella Cueto, María Rosa (guest)2017 LeuvenglobeFemale 89 years old with no relevant clinical history. Resection of a 4 mm. lesion at the free end of the left upper eyelid due to discomfortSolitary circumscribed neuroma (Palisaded encapsulated neuroma).Protocol
Coupland, Sarah E.2017 LeuvenGlobeA newborn boy, with a large left-sided periorbital masscongenital choroidal melanomaProtocol
Dinares, Carme (guest)2017 LeuvenorbitA 79 year old woman consulted to our hospital for a 2 month history of a right inner cantus violaceous tumor (10x15 mm). It initially started as a reddish soft swelling lesion and gradually increased in size and became darker in colour. The patient didn’t get refered pain on palpationAtypical fibroxanthomaProtocol
Elner, Victor M. (guest of honour)2017 LeuvenorbitA 35 Year-Old Woman with Persistent Bilateral Periorbital Edema due to Dacryoadenitis and a History of Presumed Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura as a ChildWegener's granulomatosis with polyangiitisProtocol
Fonseca, Cristina (guest)2017 Leuvenorbit59 years-old female with a 6 months history of non-axial left proptosis, diplopia and a previous history of papillary thyroid carcinoma excised 7 years earlier.Solitary fibrous tumorProtocol
Girnita, Leonard2017 LeuvenorbitCataract material from a 55-year-old womanOrbital Fat-forming Solitary Fibrous TumorProtocol
Heegaard, Steffen2017 LeuvencorneaUnusual orbital tumour in a 59 year old femaleAnt egg cataractProtocol
Herwig, Martina C.2017 Leuvenorbit69 year old female patient with a history of different tumors of the eye and ocular adnexae as well as skin lesions and thyroid cancerBAP1 Tumor Predisposition SyndromeProtocol
Holbach, Leonard2017 LeuvenorbitUnilateral belpharoconjunctivitis and lacrimal gland tumour in a 72 year old malesebaceous carcinomaProtocol
Kennedy, Susan2017 LeuvenGlobe72 year old female – eye removed at autopsy, died following progressive neurologic impairment over a 3 month periodPrimary CNS lymphomaProtocol
Kivela, Tero2017 LeuvenGlobeEye enucleated after 3 cycles of chemoreduction from a 2 year and 5 month old boy with unilateral non-familial retinoblastomaRetinoblastoma after chemoreductionProtocol
Loeffler, Karin U.2017 LeuvencorneaEndophthalmitis in a young femaleFungal kerato-uveitis with fungal remnants in lens capsule and Descemet’sProtocol
Lund Loebner, Eva (guest)2017 Leuvencornea75 year old female with a tumour first appearing on the skin of the head more than 20 years ago Since then many resected tumours of the same type in different skin locations on the head and trunk. Now a suspected recurrence in the orbit behind the eye and in the duraFamilial CylindromatosisProtocol
Luthert Phil2017 Leuvenretina and RPE37 year old male with enucleation for panendophthalmitis. Incidental curiosity on microscopy.Not presentedProtocol

Messmer, Elisabeth M.2017 LeuvencorneaSmile or Cry? A 26-year-old female patient presented with decreased vision and corneal scarring two months following corneal refractive surgery Epithelial ingrowth after corneal refractive surgeryProtocol
Meyer, Peter2017 Leuvenuveal tractCiliary body melanoma from an 18 year old female with xeroderma pigmentosum Ciliary body melanoma in xeroderma pigmentosum with scleral extensionProtocol
Mihic-Probst, Daniela Caroline2017 LeuvenconjunctivaConjunctival limbus tumour from an 86 year old femaleConjuctival Malignant Proliferating Trichilemmal TumorProtocol
Moulin, Alexandre2017 Leuvenretina and RPELeucocoria in an 8 month old boyPoorly differenciated RetinoblastomaProtocol
Mudhar, Hardeep Singh2017 LeuvenconjunctivaA 29 year old female with no prior medical or ophthalmic history presented to the eye clinic with an enlarging lump on her left medial bulbar conjunctiva that had been present for several monthsPrimary conjunctival myoepithelial carcinomaProtocol
Proença, Rui2017 Leuvenconjunctiva38 years-old male with a 3 months history of a pigmented mass in the temporal bulbar conjunctiva of left eye Conjunctival melanoma and COX-2 expressionProtocol
Rašic, Dejan M.2017 Leuvenorbit Orbital hybrid tumor – neurofibroma/schwannomaProtocol
Roberts, Fiona2017 Leuvenorbit 59 year old female. Previous orbital tumour 2008 - offered exenteration at this time and declined. Also recent diagnosis of rectal carcinoma.Liposarcoma of the OrbitProtocol
De Roo, An Katrien (guest)2017 Leuvencornea Penetrating keratoplasty for hazy cornea of a 72 year old femaleLate-onset Fuchs’ endothelial corneal dystrophyProtocol
Rosner, Mordechai (guest)2017 LeuveneyelidA 7-month-old, female baby had since birth a left upper eyelid solid, mobile lesion that grew, and caused a mechanical ptosis. MRI disclosed an ovoid mass in the superior left orbit. Because of the ptosis, surgery was performed, and debulking of a poorly circumscribed infiltrating lesion was performedFibrous Hamartoma of Infancy in the EyelidProtocol
Rymgayllo-Jankowska Beata2017 LeuvenconjunctivaEctopic cilia in the palpebral conjunctiva of the lower eyelid in both eyes in a 23 year old femaleBilateral ectopic cilia in the palpebral conjuntivaProtocol
Rymgayllo-Jankowska Beata2017 LeuvenconjunctivaEctopic cilia in the palpebral conjunctiva of the lower eyelid in both eyes in a 23 year old femaleBilateral ectopic cilia in the palpebral conjuntivaProtocol
Sach, Josef2017 LeuvenorbitAggressive tumour destroying the eye and orbitAggressive basalioma of the orbitopalpebral regionProtocol
Salinas La Rosa, Cesar (guest)2017 Leuvenorbit25-year-old male from an Indian background. Presented with proptosis and nasal obstructionNot presented. Eosinophilic angiocentric fibrosis with IgG4 diseaseProtocol
Saornil, Mª Antonia2017 LeuvenGlobe68 year old male with two month history of decreased vision on the leftIntraocular metástasis: Neuroendocrine differentiation Prostate AdenocarcinomaProtocol
Seregard, Stefan2017 LeuvenorbitOrbital tumour presenting in a 71 year old female managed with brachytherapy 4 years previously for a choroidal melanoma in the contralateral eye.Not presented. Choroidal melanoma metastatic to the contralateral orbitProtocol
Thaung, Caroline2017 LeuvenGlobeA 55 year old woman with an enucleation for ciliary body melanomaGanglioneuroma and choroidal melanomaProtocol
Van der Valk, Paul2017 LeuvenGlobePatient is a 3 year old female referred to VUMC with suspiciou of retinoblastoma in the left eye. MRI showed subretinal seedlings, but no optic nerve or choroidal invasion. The left eye was enucleatedCoats’ diseaseProtocol
Van Ginderdeuren, Rita2017 LeuvenvitreousVitrectomy sample in 15y old girl with floating objectFree-floating vitreal pigmented cystProtocol
Verdijk, Rob2017 LeuvenRetina and RPEFemale, 43 year old, vision reduced to light perception. Enucleation because of photopsias perceived unbearable by the patientCone-rod dystrophy with homozygous ABCA4 mutationsProtocol
Wroblewski, Keith (guest)2017 LeuvenRetina and RPE78 yo female with a history of complicated cataract surgery OD, ulcerative colitis, chronic kidney disease and a uterine leiomyoma presented with severe pain and blurred vision OS. Although she used a walker, there was no history of trauma or fallsPhacolytic glaucomaProtocol
Proia, Alan D. 2016 CharlestonorbitPeriocular Necrotizing Fasciitis
Hogan, Nick R. 2016 CharlestoneyelidPoorly Differentiated Carcinoma of the Eyelid
Cameron, J. Douglas 2016 CharlestonRetina and RPEMassive Choroidal Invasion by Retinoblastoma
Iacob, Codrin E. 2016 CharlestoncorneaStromal corneal dystrophy
Yanoff, Myron 2016 CharlestonorbitCementomatous Fibrous Dysplasia Orbit
Verdijk, Robert M.2016 CharlestonRetina and RPERetinal changes in aceruloplasminemia
Holbach, Leonard2016 CharlestonorbitInfiltrative orbital mass OU in a 50-year-old female
Sassani, Joseph2016 CharlestonorbitGiant Cell Granuloma, Noonan's Syndrome and Cherubism
Potter, Heather2016 CharlestonorbitAdult Onset Asthma and Periocular Xanthogranuloma (AAPOX)
Albert, Daniel2016 Charlestonoptic nerveNeurofibromatosis type 1: A Neuro-Psycho-Cutaneous Syndrome?
Allaire, Guy S.2016 CharlestonconjunctivaCarcinoma in situ of the conjunctiva: the tip of the iceberg
Barker-Griffith, Ann2016 CharlestoncorneaParaproteinemic Keratopathy
Blasi, Maria Antonietta2016 Charlestonuveal tractUveal Melanoma with Extension to the Optic Nerve
Bloomer, Michele M.2016 CharlestonorbitMucoepidermoid Carcinoma of the Lacrimal Sac
Boniuk, Milton M.2016 CharlestonorbitTransformation of Benign Mixed Tumor of the Lacrimal Gland to Adenocarcinoma with Sarcomatous Component
Brownstein, Seymour 2016 CharlestoneyelidTrichoblastoma: Report of 2 cases (Masquerade Syndrome)
Brown, Harry H.2016 CharlestonRetina and RPEUnsuspected CMV retinitis in an enucleation specimen
Crawford, J. Brooks2016 CharlestonRetina and RPEPolypoidal choroidal vasculopathy
Cummings, Thomas J.2016 CharlestoncorneaCornea keloid in oculocerebrorenal (Lowe) syndrome
Dubovy, Sander R.2016 Charlestonuveal tractSmall Choroidal Melanoma with Extrascleral Extension
Mihic-Probst, Daniela2016 Charlestonuveal tractGranulomatous Mycobacterium Chimaera Uveitis
Eberhart, Charles2016 CharlestoncorneaAcanthamoeba keratitis and the use of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) to diagnose corneal infections
Edward Deepak P.2016 CharlestoncorneaCorneal scarring - an unusual presentation of lattice corneal dystrophy in Saudi Arabia
Egbert, Peter R.2016 Charlestonoptic NerveAbusive Head Trauma with Optic Nerve Infarct
Elner, Victor M.2016 CharlestoneyelidA 50 Year-Old Woman with a Lower Lid Mass
Friedman, Alan H.2016 CharlestonglobeAicardi syndrome in a 20 year old female
Grossniklaus, Hans E.2016 CharlestonRetina and RPEMetastatic Melanoma to the Retina and Vitreous
Harocopos, George J.2016 CharlestonUveal tractAcute Posterior Multifocal Placoid Pigment Epitheliopathy (APMPPE) With Fatal Cerebral Vasculitis
Heegaard, Steffen2016 CharlestonorbitDuctal carcinoma of the lacrimal gland
Herwig, Martina C.2016 Charlestonoptic nerveOptic nerve calcifications in a 24 week old fetus
Kivela, Tero2016 CharlestonconjunctivaTattoo gone wrong
Laver, Nora V.2016 CharlestoneyelidPigmented Skin Lesion
Loeffler, Karin U.2016 CharlestoncorneaOuter retinal atrophy in granulomatous keratitis
Maltry, Amanda C.2016 CharlestonorbitAdult-onset Asthma and Periocular Xanthogranuloma
Messmer, Elisabeth M.2016 CharlestonUveal tractBlind phthisical eye with extensive intra- and extraocular malignant melanoma
Meyer, Peter2016 CharlestonUveal tractJuvenile xanthogranuloma involving concurrent iris and skin: Clinic, pathologic and molecular pathologic evaluations
Milman, Tatyana2016 CharlestonorbitAdult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma: An atypical presentation with an atypical (and changing!) immunophenotype
Minckler, Don2016 CharlestonorbitOrbit Giant Cell Angiofibroma
Moulin, Alexandre P.2016 CharlestonRetina and RPEAn intraocular tumor in a black patient
Rao, Narsing A.2016 CharlestonorbitOrbital Malignant Solitary Fibrous Tumor: Spectrum of histologic features
Rašic, Dejan M.2016 CharlestonconjunctivaSquamous cell carcinoma of the conjunctiva with orbital and extensive intraocular, optic nerve and intracranial invasion
Van Ginderdeuren, Rita2016 CharlestonUveal tractUveal ganglioneuroma in Neurofibromatosis 1
Rodriguez, Fausto J.2016 CharlestonUveal tract49-year-old man with fever of unknown origin and weight loss
Salomão, Diva R.2016 CharlestonglobeOsteosarcoma arising in phthisis bulbi
Seregard, Stefan2016 CharlestonRetina and RPERetinoblastoma masquerading as uveitis in a 12-year old girl
Shetlar, Debbie2016 CharlestonorbitNeuroendocrine carcinoma of the orbit
Shields, Jerry A.2016 CharlestonconjunctivaConjunctival liposarcoma
Syed, Nasreen A.2016 CharlestonUveal tractIntraocular Large Cell Lymphoma Masquerading as Choroidal Melanoma
Thaung, Caroline2016 Charlestoncornea77 year old woman with a corneal dystrophy
Tso, Mark OM2016 CharlestonRetina and RPEPolypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy
van der Valk, Paul2016 CharlestoneyelidA man with multiple tumors, when does the alarm bell go off? (a case of Muir-Torre syndrome)
Wilson, David J.2016 CharlestonorbitMicrophthalmos with Cyst and a Twist
Wroblewski, Keith J.2016 CharlestoncorneaOcular Leprosy
Alfaro, Luis 2015 FreiburgeyelidSeventy-eight-year-old male who is referred to complete resection of a lesion in the left upper eyelid with previous diagnosis of bowenoid actinic keratosis Bowenoid intraepithelial sebaceous carcinoma Protocol
Alkatan, Hind (Guest)2015 Freiburgcornea43 year old male with a diagnosis of multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 1 with panhypopituitarism and hypoadrenalism – on replacement therapy. He also had ischaemic heart disease (S/P coronary bypass surgery). Presented with corneal mass, right eye developing over a period of 7 years. He had a similar lesion in his left cornea treated by PKP in Germany in 2002. Corneal xanthogranuloma in association with multiple endocrine neoplasia 1Protocol
Auw-Haedrich, Claudia2015 FreiburgeyelidPink, droplike lesion of the lateral upper eyelid in a 35-year old womanPrimary cutaneous CD4+ small/medium-sized pleomorphic T-cell lymphomaProtocol
Barnhill, Raymond (Guest) 2015 Freiburgeyelid37 year old female with right lower eye lid tumourSatellite In Transit Metastases in Rapidly Fatal Conjunctival Melanoma: Implications for Angiotropism and Extravascular Migratory Metastasis
Bechrakis, Nikolas2015 FreiburgretinaTransmission EM from an AC paracentesis in secondary glaucoma.Retinal detachment and glaucoma (Schwartz-Matsuo syndrome)
Bella Cueto, Maria Rosa (Guest)2015 FreiburgeyelidMan 82 years old, with no relevant clinical history, who noticed a lesion at the lateral edge of the upper eyelid, of 5 mm. It was clinically suggestive of basocellular carcinoma. In the last two months prior to surgery, it grew rapidly, reaching a size of 30 x 20 mm, so excision of the lesion was performedMerkel cell carcinoma of the eyelidProtocol
Coupland, Sarah2015 Freiburgeyelid, orbitSebaceous carcinoma with extensive orbital infiltration: immunohistochemical findingsSebaceous carcinomaProtocol
Dinares Fernandez, Mª Carme (Guest)2015 Freiburgeyelid, orbitTumor of the eyelid with orbital extensionPrimary signet-ring cell/histiocytoid variant of sweat gland carcinoma of the eyelid with orbital extensionProtocol
Egbert, Peter (Guest of Honour)2015 Freiburg retina 46 year old woman who had poor vision since childhood and underwent multiple laser treatments, but she lost all useful sight with retinal detachment and neovascular glaucoma followed by enucleation because of pain Retinal Hemangioblastoma in von Hippel-Lindau DiseaseProtocol
Girnita, Leonard2015 Freiburguvea Intraocular mass in an 80 year old man. Enucleation of the right eyeUveal melanoma with optic nerve invasion
Heegaard, Steffen 2015 Freiburgorbit A 71-year-old woman with a diagnosed primary liver tumour (slide) presenting with a tumour of the right orbit Orbital metastasis from a primary hepatic neuroendocrine carcinomaProtocol
Herwig, Martina2015 Freiburgretina21 week old fetus with intra- and preretinal haemorrhagesintra- and preretinal haemorrhages in a fetus of a mother with HELLP syndromeProtocol
Holbach, Leo2015 Freiburgorbit Infiltrative orbital mass in a 50 year old maleAmelanotic malignat melanoma with neuroendocrine differentiation and BRAF-V600E-mutationProtocol
Kennedy, Susan2015 FreiburgorbitUnexplained proptosis Site limited ANCA negative granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener's granulomatosis)Protocol
Kivela, Tero2015 Freiburgcornea Peripheral corneal lesion from a 36-year-old healthy female, bilateralPeripheral Hyperplastic Subepithelial Degeneration of the CorneaProtocol
Lang, Gerhard (Guest)2015 Freiburg orbitSuicide attempt: one bullet in each orbit Traumatic rupture of the globe bullet perforation senile (hyaline) sclera plaquesProtocol
Lange, Clemens (Guest)2015 Freiburg corneaCorneal tumor in a patient with neurofibromatosis type 2 Corneal fibroma associated with neurofibromatosis type 2Protocol
Löeffler, Karin2015 FreiburgeyelidPost-Surgical Pyogenic granuloma Pyogenic granuloma overlying a recurrent squamous cell carcinomaProtocol
Luthert, Philip2015 Freiburguvea, Bruch membrane, retina 3-dimensional ultrastructure of aged RPE- Bruch¹s membrane 3-dimensional ultrastructure of aged RPE- Bruch¹s membraneProtocol
Messmer, Elisabeth M.2015 Freiburgretina, eyeThe left eye of a 23 y/o male patient was enucleated after penetrating ocular injury and multiple surgical procedures for retinal detachment and glaucomaFunctioningg Ahmed valve glaucoma drainage implant; bullous keratopathy, glaucomatous optic atrophy parapapilar subretinal scarProtocol
Meyer, Peter2015 Freiburg eyelid An atypical chalzion as a histological challengeLangerhans cell histiocytosisProtocol
Mihic Probst, Daniela (Guest)2015 FreiburgorbitaA 79 year-old women presented with progressive exopthalmus and decreased motility of the right eye. Due to monocle no diplopic images (central veine thrombosis with amaurosis OS, 10 years ago). CT showed retrobulbar tumorOrbital Rosai-Dorfman DiseaseProtocol
Mooy, Cornelia 2015 Freiburgeyelid Female 29 years old. One year history of slowly growing papilloma of the eyelid, slightly pigmentedmelanocytic tumor of uncertain malignant potential (MELTUMP) of the eyelid Protocol
Moulin, Alexandre2015 Freiburguvea, eyeA 57 year old woman with a painful eye after proton beam irradiation.Proton beam irradiated retino-invasive uveal melanomaProtocol
Prause, Jan2015 FreiburgconjunctivaConjunctival lesion of an Australian living in Copenhagen Mucinous adenocarcinoma of the nictitating membrane in an ostrich (Struthio camelus)Protocol
Proença, Rui2015 Freiburgeye, choroid , ciliary bodyUnexpected intraocular tumour in a Cap Verde patient Amelanotic epithelioid melanoma of the choroid and ciliary bodyProtocol
Rasic, Dejan 2015 FreiburgorbitOcular adnexal mass as the first sign of metastatic lung neuroendocrine carcinomaOcular adnexal metastasis from neuroendocrine carcinomaProtocol
Roberts, Fiona2015 Freiburgorbit A 25 year old female with left proptosis and double vision. Past medical history of alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma as a child. Lymphoma?Post-radiation sarcoma of the orbitProtocol
Rymgayllo Jankowska, Beata2015 Freiburgciliary body, eye, orbit57-year-old man with diabetes for more than 20 years, presenting with necrotic uveal melanoma together with orbital inflammation and with fungal retinitisNecrotic ciliary body melanoma with orbital inflammationProtocol
Sach, Josef2015 Freiburgeyelid, orbit Man aged 65 years – excision form the eyelid (plastic surgery after Dysport application). Stripped mucle atroph and irregular fibrosis secondary toapplication of abobotulotoxin AProtocol
Salinas La Rosa, Cesar (Guest)2015 FreiburgorbitA 47 year olf healthy male presented with a painless right inferior orbital non-pulsatile mass causing mild exophthalmos and diplopia. Visual acuity and ocular movements were preserved Extra adrenal Orbital ParagangliomaProtocol
Seregard, Stefan2015 Freiburgconjunctiva, orbitSubconjunctival mass in an 87 year old woman. Incisional biopsyUndifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma of the orbitProtocol
Thaung, Caroline (Guest)2015 Freiburgeye A 4 year old boy with microphthalmiaIntraocular teratomaProtocol
Van der Valk, Paul2015 Freiburg corneaThe patient is a woman, 55 years old, contact lens wearer. She developed a corneal ulcer. Culture showed the offending organism. After treatment was unsuccessful a perofrating keratoplasty was performedFusarium keratitis and a comparison of the fungi we meet in ophthalmopathologyProtocol
van Ginderdeuren, Rita 2015 FreiburgeyeEnucleation of the right eye with typical clinical image of melanoma in a 70 year old manChoroidal paragangliomaProtocol
Verdijk, Robert M.2015 Freiburgeye 13 year old girl, Rett-like MECP2 duplication syndrome, death from status epilepticusRett-like MECP2 duplication syndrome with microphthalmus, retinitis pigmentosa and anterior displacement of the ciliary processes on the posterior irisProtocol
Alfaro, Luis (guest)2014 CoimbraeyelidA 84-year-old woman was submitted for Mohs surgery after a biopsy with basal cell carcinoma on her left eyelid.Basal cell carcinoma with sebaceous differentiationProtocol
Auw-Haedrich, Claudia2014 Coimbraeyelid An unusual case of adherent pyogenic granuloma Combined squamous cell carcinoma and pyogenic granulomaProtocol
Balestrazzi, Emilio 2014 Coimbra orbit Orbital mass in a young woman affected by Turner syndrome Ectopic Meningioma of the OrbitProtocol
Bechrakis, Nikolas 2014 Coimbra eye Blind painful eye Secondary neovascular glaucoma, anterior synechiae, corneal pannus, pseudoexfoliation Syndrome (PEX), cataract, vitreous detachment, chorioretinal scar, retinal haemorrhages, central retinal vein occlusion, exudative macular degeneration (AMD), glaucomatous optic nerve atrophy, sclera staphylomata, myopia, retinal haemosiderosisProtocol
Blasi, Maria Antonietta2014 Coimbra orbit Congenital orbital cyst causing progressive proptosis in a young man Orbital Epithelial CystProtocol
Coupland, Sarah2014 Coimbrachoroid Extensive histiocytic sarcoma with secondary choroidal involvement Extensive histiocytic sarcoma with secondary choroidal involvementProtocol
Daoud Lina (guest)2014 Coimbra orbit A 70 year old patient with a long-standing cutaneous lesion located on the infraorbitary region that consisted of a flat papule with pearly borders Endocrine mucin-producing sweat gland carcinomaProtocol
Dubovy, Sander R. 2014 Coimbraretina, orbit, choroid Retinal and Choroidal Infarction Following Attempted Embolization Procedure for Orbital Arterio-Venous Malformation Retinal and Choroidal Infarction, Orbital Arterio-Venous MalformationProtocol
Girnita, Leonard2014 Coimbra orbit 41-year old male truck driver presenting with sinusitis and tonsillitis, having felt generally unwell for 2-3 weeks IgG4 sclerosing disease Protocol
Heegaard, Steffen2014 Coimbra lacrimal Gland, orbit Lacrimal gland biopsy from a 77-year-old woman with 11 mm left-sided proptosis Breast Carcinoma Metastasizing to the Lacrimal GlandProtocol
Herwig, Martina (guest)2014 Coimbra eyelid 29 year-old-man with nodular eyelid tumors and lip lesions Neuroma in suspected MEN2b syndromeProtocol
Holbach, Leonard2014 Coimbraconjunctiva Nodular conjunctival lesion in a 50-year-old female Spitz nevus Protocol
Kennedy, Susan2014 Coimbraoptic nerve, eye Retinal astrocytoma. 62 year-old female with poor vision. OS x3 months. Past history of breast carcinoma and hypertension Retinal astrocytomaProtocol
Kivela, Tero2014 Coimbracornea At the age of 2 years, a previously healthy boy was noted to develop a limp and a tendency to keep his right eye shut. He was found to have bone abnormalities and small whitish patches in his right cornea Hyperplastic panni in Torg syndromeProtocol
Lopes, Jose Manuel (guest) 2014 Coimbra orbitOrbital Synovial Sarcoma Orbital Synovial Sarcoma Protocol
Löeffler, Karin2014 Coimbra eyelid Lower lid swelling in a 72 year-old-male. Undifferentiated carcinoma of right orbit Protocol
Luthert, Philip2014 Coimbra orbit 17 year old boy with multiple lung lesions presents with an orbital mass Lipoblastomatosis affecting the orbitProtocol
Messmer, Elisabeth M.2014 Coimbra orbit A 76 y/o male patient presented with a cystic painless orbital mass associated with proptosis and diplopia for 6 months. Clinical examination, ultrasound and MRI suggested a dermoid cyst Hidradenoma Papilliferum of the OrbitProtocol
Meyer, Peter2014 Coimbra caruncle, eyelid, conjunctiva Fast growing brown lesion at the caruncle of a 48 year old female patient Metastatic malignant melanoma at the left caruncleProtocol
Mihic Probst, Daniela (Guest)2014 Coimbra lacrimal sac 35-years-old women presented with acute dacryocystitis and incomplete lacrimal duct stenosis on the left side. Following dacryoplastic showed intraoperative a hard and thickened lacrimal sac. A biopsy was performed. Also biopsy of pulmonary and bone manifestations Lacrimal sac sarcoidosis Protocol
Mooy, Cornelia2014 Coimbra eyelid 57 years-old lady referred to dermatology because of white patches left lower eyelid Lichen Slerosus et Atrophicus of the EyelidProtocol
Moulin, Alexandre2014 Coimbraorbit, conjunctiva A 78-year old woman presented a painless and progressive enlargement of the lateral canthal area of the right eye. A biopsy is performed Primary mucinous carcinoma of the skin with orbital invasionProtocol
Mudhar, Hardeep Singh 2014 Coimbra uvea 52-year-old male, loss of vision left eye. B-scan ultra-sonography demonstrated a hypo-echoic choroidal lesion? uveal melanoma Uveal MALT lymphoma with extensive AL type amyloid production mimicking uveal melanoma with extraocular spread Protocol
Pecorella, Irene2014 Coimbra orbit 9-year-old girl with bilateral proptosis and firm masses in the superior orbital quadrants Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemiaProtocol
Prause, Jan Ulrik2014 Coimbra uvea, ciliary body Ciliary body tumour of male presenting with adenocarcinoma metastasis to lymph nodes of the neck.Bilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation (BDUMP) presenting with a monolateral ciliary body tumour and adenocarcinoma metastases to the lymph nodes of neck and retroperitoneumProtocol
Proença, Rui2014 Coimbra retina Experimental model of retinoblastomaExperimental model of retinoblastomaProtocol
Rasic, Dejan2014 Coimbraorbit A 65-year old man, several months’ history of enlarging, bilateral, painless periorbital mass, accompanied with 15kg of weight loss. Clinical diagnosis - bilateral orbital lymphoma. Incisional biopsy was performed Ocular adnexal mantle cell lymphoma of blastoid variant Protocol
Roberts, Fiona2014 Coimbra lacrimal gland 78 year old female with one year history of non-inflamed mass related to right lacrimal gland. Clinically thought to be pleomorphic adenoma but surgically it was dark and contained oily fluid which looked like blood Papillary Cystic Variant of Acinic Cell Carcinoma in the Lacrimal GlandProtocol
Rosner, Mordechai 2014 Coimbra orbit A newborn girl had right proptosis. MRI disclosed an intraorbital lesion that was suspected to be capillary hemangioma, but treatment with propranolol had no effect. Because of severe enlargement of the intraorbital lesion during the fifth month, surgery was performed, and a well-circumscribed, partially cystic tumor (16x21x19 mm) was removed Congenital Orbital Teratoma Protocol
Sach, Josef2014 Coimbra orbit Orbital tumor - excision. 5 years old boy Orbital Lymphangioma Protocol
Salinas La Rosa, Cesar (Guest)2014 Coimbraeyelid A 49-year–old male presents to the general practitioner with a solitary mass in the eyelid. Referred for excision. Clinical diagnosis was inclusion cystA Eyelid solitary plasmacytomaProtocol
Saornil, Maria Antonia 2014 Coimbraeye, uvea The patient is a healthy 51 yo men with two months history of decreased vision in the left eye (infero temporal progressive shadow).Neovascular Glaucoma after successful melanoma brachytherapy treatment Protocol
Seregard, Stefan2014 Coimbra choroid, lung Biopsy from small whitish fundus lesion in a healthy 48-year old woman Metastasis to the choroid, presumably from a primary carcinoma of the lung Protocol
Tynninen, Olli 2014 Coimbra orbit A 57 year old male with a history of trauma to the left eye. Exophthalmos of the left eye had developed during 2 years. MRI showed 3.4 cm mass in medial orbit IgG4-related sclerosing disease of the orbitProtocol
Toth, Jeanette 2014 Coimbraeyelid Biopsy from the upper eyelid of a 47-year-old male patient. Symmetrical upper eyelid swelling on both sides Intralymphatic histiocytosis of the eyelids Protocol
van Ginderdeuren, Rita2014 Coimbra orbit, retina Orbital specimen of a 12-year-old boy with congenital cyst in the right orbit pilocytic astrocytoma in the retina and orbit, associated with a congenital microphthalmic eyeProtocol
Van der Valk, Paul2014 Coimbraeye, retina Boy, 3 years old. Leucocoria, suspicious for retinoblastoma. Imaging (MRI) was suggestive for orbital retinoblastoma, with invasion of the optic nerve. The temporal sclera was not visible on the MRI Reactive changes in enucleation specimen(s) for retinoblastoma Protocol
Ventura, Luca 2014 Coimbralacrimal gland A 74 year ole woman with a swelling of the left lacrimal gland for 6 months Primary adenocarcinoma of the lacrimal gland Protocol
Verdijk, Robert M.2014 Coimbraeye Pregnancy termination male fetus, 21+4 weeks, Cyclops Heritable Patau syndrome with the “Robertsonian” tranlocation 46,XY,+13der(13;14)(q10;q10) Protocol
Alfaro, Luis (guest)2013 Copenhagen lacrimal gland Seventy one year-old-woman with a rapidly growing lacrimal gland tumor Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of the lacrimal glandProtocol
Auw-Haedrich, Claudia2013 Copenhagen conjunctivaLarge myxomatous conjunctival tumour Conjunctival stromal tumour (cosn Protocol
Balestrazzi, Emilio2013 Copenhagen irisPrimary iris stromal cyst in a a young girl Anterior chamber congenital epithelial cystsProtocol
Bechrakis, Nikolas2013 Copenhagen choroidLarge choroidal tumor in a young man Choroidal melanoma with divergent differentiationPresentation
Blasi, Maria Antonietta2013 CopenhagenuveaUveal melanoma in a 6-year-old girl Pediatric uveal melanomaPresentation
Bredow, Laura 2013 Copenhagen eyelid, orbitIsolated bilateral yellowish eye lid lesions Adult orbital xanthogranulomatous disease: Adult-onset xanthogranuloma (AOX) Protocol
Coupland, Sarah2013 Copenhagen eyelid63 year-old female presenting with a rapidly enlarging eyelid lump
Devereux, Fenella 2013 Copenhagen eyeLeft eye which was removed at post mortem from a 76 year old man. 4 years prior he had a molteno drain inserted for neovascular glaucoma following central retinal vein occlusion The pathology of a functioning molteno implant in a case of neovascular glaucoma Protocol
Girnita, Leonard2013 Copenhagen conjunctivaUnusual epibulbar tumor Unusual conjunctival melanoma of the left eye Protocol
Gyorffy, Hajnalka 2013 Copenhagen eyeEnucleated left eye of a 9 months old girl with an oro-facial developmental disorder
Heegaard, Steffen2013 CopenhagencaruncleCaruncular tumour in an 84-year-old man Nodular Hidradenoma of the caruncleProtocol
Herwig, Martina (guest)2013 Copenhagen corneaAnterior segment abnormalities in a 33 week fetus MIDAS (Microphthalmus, Dermal Aplasia, Sclerocornea) syndrome with sclerocornea (OD) and Peters' anomaly (OS) Protocol
Holbach, Leonard2013 Copenhagen conjunctivaConjunctival nodule and cicatricial conjunctivitis in a 48-year-old male Invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the conjunctiva with orbital invasionProtocol
Irion, Luciane2013 Copenhagen conjunctiva, orbitFemale, 9-years-old. Papillomatous conjunctival lesion. Incisional conjunctival and anterior orbital biopsy Rhabdomyosarcoma masquerade syndrome: Case seriesProtocol
Kennedy, Susan2013 Copenhagen ciliary body67 year old male enucleation for pigmented mass left superior fundus Teratoid Medulloepithelioina of Ciliary Body in an adultProtocol
Kivela, Tero2013 Copenhagen ciliary bodyA 19-year–old man with a two-year history of unilateral pigmentary glaucoma Malignant melanoma of the anterior chamber angle in a 19-your-old manProtocol
Löeffler, Karin2013 Copenhagen eyelid72-year-old female with shallow eyelid ulceration in bilateral blepharoconjunctivitis Sebaceous Cell Carcinoma with pagetoid spread mimicking chronic blepharitisProtocol
Messmer, Elisabeth M.2013 Copenhagen lacrimal glandA 48 y/o male patient presented with a lesion of the lacrimal gland associated with proptosis, horizontal macular folds and a decrease of visual acuity with a hyperopic shift. A tumor was extirpated from the same area 24 years previously Recurrent adenoid cystic carcinoma of the lacrimal gland Protocol
Meyer, Peter2013 Copenhagen lensOpacity of intraocular lens two years after cataract surgery Opacity of intraocular lens two years after cataract surgeryProtocol
Moulin, Alexandre2013 Copenhagen retinaA 54 year-old man presented a decreased visual acuity over a few weeks of the left eye. Fundus revealed a nodular pigmented mass arising in an area of congenital RPE hypertrophy. A biopsy was performed after proton beam irradiation RPE adenocarcinoma arsing in a congenital RPE hypertrophy
Mooy, Cornelia2013 Copenhagen eyelid12 year old female, lesion right upper eyelid Solitary Reticulohistiocytoma of the eyelidProtocol
Mudhar, Hardeep Singh 2013 Copenhagen eyelid, skin69-year-old woman who underwent a blepharoplasty for dermatochalasia. The ophthalmic surgeon noted that the skin removed from the right upper lid felt a little thickened and sent it for histopathological assessment Folliculotropic mycosis fungoides of peri-ocular skin Protocol
Pecorella, Irene2013 Copenhagen corneaObstetrical forceps injury to the eye Bullous keratopathy as a long-term complication of forceps deliveryProtocol
Prause, Jan Ulrik2013 Copenhagen iris, ciliary bodyRing tumour of a dog Xanthoma of iris and ciliary body with ring tumour morphologyProtocol
Proensa, Rui2013 Copenhagen eyeRight eye of a 61 year-old female patient enucleated because of an intractable painful unilateral glaucoma. The patient has a connective tissue disorder Ocular findings in scleroderma (progressive systemic sclerosis)Protocol
Rasic, Dejan2013 Copenhagen orbit A 81-year old man with a three-to-four months history of left eye proptosis with lateral dystopia. Incisional biopsy was performed (1182/11) and after that anterior orbitotomy with tumour extirpation Primary orbital hyalinizing spindle cell tumour with giant rosettes Protocol
Roberts, Fiona2013 Copenhagen choroid82 year old male with choroidal melanoma. Proton beam therapy. Painful right eye leading to enucleationDiffuse necrotising posterior scleritis in an eye with choroidal melanoma treated with proton beam therapy
Rymgayllo-Jankowska, Beata 2013 Copenhagen uveaPhacoanaphylaxis Phacoanaphylaxis/lens-induced uveitis (phacoanaphylactic endophthalmitis)Protocol
Sach, Josef2013 Copenhagen eyelidTumor of the left upper eyelid - excision. Woman aged 48 years Merkel cell carcinoma of the eyelidProtocol
Saornil, Maria Antonia2013 Copenhagen conjunctiva, eyeExophytic conjunctival lesion Intraocular infiltrative recurrence of conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma after resection and adjuvant brachyterapy without conjunctival recurrence. Protocol
Seregard, Stefan2013 Copenhagen iris67-year old man with small iris tumour. Submitted after local excision iris melanoma, iris melanocytoma, iris pigment epithelial adenomaProtocol
Syed, Nasreen A 2013 Copenhagen eye A 6 month old female is referred for a one-month history of intermittent esotropia and leukocoria in the right eye Intraocular Schwannoma in an Infant Protocol
Thaung, Carolina2013 Copenhagen cornea8-year-old boy with a corneal scarring Childhood glaucomaProtocol
Toth, Jeanette2013 Copenhagen eyelidBiopsy from a bilateral, symmetrical lesion growing over a six month period on the eyelid border-intermarginal zone of a 63-year-old lady Malignant acanthosis nigricans, florid conjunctivo-cutaneous papillomatosis, and the sign of Leser-Trelat Protocol
Van der Valk, Paul2013 Copenhagen eyelid, conjunctivaWoman, 56 years old, with a yellowish lesion in the palpebral conjunctiva. Excision biopsy Nodular amyloidosis ofthe conjunctivaProtocol
van Ginderdeuren, Rita2013 Copenhagen choroidA 65 y old man was enucleated because of painful blind eye with high intra ocular pressure and negative vitreal biopsies Intraocular choroidal lymphoma, type DLBCL Diffuse large 8-cell lymphomaProtocol
Ventura, Luca2013 Copenhagen sinus nasalLow-grade nonintestinal sinonasal adenocarcinoma presenting with rapidly progressive visual loss. Low-grade nonintestinal sinonasal adenocarcinoma presenting with rapidly progressive visual lossProtocol
Verdijk, Robert M2013 Copenhagen orbit, skullNine-month-old boy with a rapidly growing mass behind the left ear in close relation to the skull Melanotic Neuroectodermal Tumor of Infancy (MNTI) with glial differentiationProtocol
Alfaro, Luis (guest)2012 London eyelid, orbit A 61-year-old woman presented a lesion involving eyelid and orbital tissue around superior rectus orbital histiocytosis: Erdheim-Chester diseaseProtocol
Auw-Haedrich, Claudia2012 London eyelid73-year old female patient with a reddish upper lid tumour since 6 months Neuroendocrine Tumour Protocol
Balestrazzi, Emilio2012 London iris, ciliary bodyA 30-year-old man with pigmented iris mass in his left eye Iris-ciliary body Melanocitic Lesion Protocol
Bechrakis, Nikolas2012 London uvea eye, corneaLarge i.o. tumour with corneal anomaly Posterior crocodile shagreen of the cornea and uveal melanoma. Protocol
Blasi, Maria Antonietta 2012 London conjunctivaA 64-year-old man was examined because of a conjunctival mass and pigmented deposits in his right eye Ocular Metastases from Cutaneous MelanomaProtocol
Cameron, John D2012 Londonuvea retina91 year-old with mycosis fungoides presented with loss of vision, swollen optic discs, and intraretinal opacities shortlybefore his death. Both eyes were examined at autopsy Primary Cutaneous T -Cell Lymphoma Metastatic to the EyeProtocol
Coupland, Sarah2012 London uvea, eyeEnucleated eye of a 66-year old female with raised IOP and a previous history of Phaco, IOL and vitrectomy. Metastatic cutaneous melanoma to the left eyeProtocol
Dithmar, Stefan 2012 London retinaHigh resolution autofluorescence imaging of retinal pigment epithelium using structured illumination microscopy Autofluorescence imaging of retinal pigment epithelium
Girnita, Leonard2012 London retinaA -year old boy, presents with a retinal neoplasm in the right eye, which eventually required enucleation of the affected eye Retinal astrocytic hamartoma Protocol
Gyorffy, Hajnalka 2012 London eyeEnucleated left eye of a 9 months old girl with an oro-facial developmental disorder
Heegaard, Steffen2012 London lacrimal glandA 65-year-old woman presented with swelling of the right lacrimal gland for two months Follicular lymphoma of the lacrimal glandProtocol
Herwig, Martina (guest)2012 London orbit66-year-o1d African-American man with alnge mass involüng the orbit, sinus tissue, nasal cavity maxilla, and anterior skull base Ameloblastoma with Orbital InvasionProtocol
Holbach, Leonard2012 London orbitlnfiltrative orbital mass OU in a 4O-year-old male Lymphofollicular hyperplasia of the orbit as IgG4-related disease Protocol
Kennedy, Susan2012 London conjunctiva67 year old male enucleation for pigmented mass left superior fundus
Kivela, Tero2012 London corneaGirl age of 3 days with suspicion of congenital glaucoma, left eye Congenital anterior staphylomaProtocol
Löeffler, Karin2012 London corneaBullous keratopathy in a 46 year old male Endothelial Decompensation in Congenital Glaucoma Secondary Bullous Keratopathy. Haab Lines Protocol
Luthert, Phil2012 London conjunctivaPattern of scarring and inflammatory response in the conjundtva and tarsus of cases of trachoma trachoma: a new-scarring grading scale Protocol
Messmer, Elisabeth M.2012 London ConjunctivaA 38 y/o white woman with clinically inactive Churg-Strauss-Syndrome developed multiple bilateral conjunctival nodules. Histology confirmed the presence of noncaseating, necrotizing eosinophilic granulomas with distinct vasculitis Conjunctival granulomatosis in Churg-Strauss-SyndromeProtocol
Meyer, Peter2012 London retinaRetinal tumor of a newbom unknown origin, can cytology help us in differentiation? Retinal tumor of a newborn Protocol
Mooy, Cornelia2012 London eyelidMale 55 years old; cystic tumor lower eyelid Mucinous eccrine carcinoma of the eyelid Protocol
Moulin, Alexandre2012 London canthusA 55-year-old man with a painless, slightly reddish nodule for 5 months above the left canthus. An excisional biopsy is performed Primary cutaneous CD4+ small/medium T cell lymphoma (PCSM-TCL)Protocol
Mudhar, Hardeep Singh 2012 London eyelid tarsus2i-year-oId female with bilateral interstitial lung pathology history of a rapidly developing fleshy nodule on the tarsal lesion was exposed to a punch biopsy-see slide (H and E). Ocular presentation of placental site trophoblastic tumour Protocol
Pecorella, Irene2012 London eyelidSolitary fibrous tumour of the eyelid Solitary fibrous tumour of the eyelidProtocol
Petroska, Donatos 2012 London eyelid, orbitA 59-year-old man with pathological masses of bilateral lower and upper eyelids and the orbit, discolored skin of the eyelids and mechanical ptosis Periocular xanthogranulomaProtocol
Prause, Jan Ulrik2012 London eyeLeft eye of a 56-year-old female with severe bilateral endophthalmitis after her second liver transplant Fusarium panophthalmitisProtocol
Proença, Rui2012 London eye, retinaA 23 months-old boy with a whitish intraocular mass showing calcifications Coats's Disease with osseous metaplasia and intraretinal calcificationsProtocol
Rasic, Dejan2012 London conjunctivaA 63-year-old man with a four months history of right eye proptosis, eyelids oedema and a visible reddish mass growing under superior bulbar conjunctiva. Incisional biopsy was performed (522/ll) and after that eyelid-sparing orbital exenteration (648/11). Alveolar soft-part sarcoma Protocol
Roberts, Fiona2012 London Choroid, eyeThis 15 month old child comes from Congo. A white ospeck' in the eye, which had become significantly larger with time. The whole eye was distorted, and enlarged and doctors were concerned about a neoplastic process ganglioneuroma of the choroid in neurofibromatosisProtocol
Rymgayllo-Jankowska, Beata 2012 London uvea, eyeA 26-year old man had been observed for ten years in the uveitis clinic with no definite diagnosis. Behçet's disease or Reiter's syndrome- diagnostic dilemmaProtocol
Sach, Josef2012 London eyeEnucleated shrinked left eyeball with bony mass inside - man aged 24 years. Case number : 12/2011 Ocular ToxocarosisProtocol
Saornil, Maria Antonia2012 London ConjunctivaThe patient is a l5-year-old male with a history of a pigmented conjunctival lesion, with demonstrated growth in the last 6 months without signs of inflammation Pigmented conjunctival growing lesion in a teenager, Nevus or melanoma? Protocol
Seregard, Stefan2012 London corneaA l3-year old boy presents with bilateral hazy corneae. Left eye deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty is performed Mucopolysaccharidosis type VI (MPS VI)Protocol
Thaung, Carolina2012 LondonorbitA 54 year old man with an orbital mass. Biopsies were taken from lid skin (circulated) and the orbit orbital Wegener's granulomatosis and ipsilateral cutaneous xanthogranuloma Protocol
Toth, Jeanette2012 London orbitBiopsy from the orbit of a 7 years old boy. (case # 2048111) Kimura's disease in the anterior orbit of a childProtocol
Van der Valk, Paul2012 London eye bulbAn unusual intraocular tumour, diagnosis at large Protocol
van Ginderdeuren, Rita2012 London eyelidRecurrent tumor of upper eyelid of 62y old manConjunctival carcinoma in situ with microinvasion and dysplasiaProtocol
Ventura, Luca2012 London orbitLeft orbital swelling and polyarthritis in the history of a 62-year-o1d woman with Rosai-Dorfinan disease ofthe breast and ovarian cancer
Verdijk, Robert M2012 Londonconjunctiva, irisA 5-year-old boy with xanthogranuloma of the conjunctiva Metastasizing medulloepitheliomaProtocol
Auw-Haedrich, Claudia 2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
eyelidFifty-four year old female patient with unilateral exophthalmos since 3 months Cavernous hemangioma, schwannomaProtocol
Barker-Griffith, Ann 2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
lensCalcium oxalate cataract Protocol
Blasi, Maria Antonietta 2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
uveaDiffuse uveal melanoma Protocol
Bloomer, Michele M. 2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
orbit, bone Langerhans' cell histiocytosis of the sphenoid wingProtocol
Boniuk, Milton 2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
orbitUnusual orbital lesion Protocol
Brown, Harry H. 2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
eyelidPhakomatous choristoma of the eyelid in a 79-year-old man Phakomatous choristomaProtocol
Cameron, J. Douglas 2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
Farewell to the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
Cameron, J. Douglas 2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
uvea, choroid, eyeSympathetic ophthalmia in the current epoch Sympathetic ophthalmia in the current epochProtocol
Chevez-Barrios, Patricia 2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
eyelidEndocrine mucin-producing sweat gland carcinoma of the eyelid Protocol
Coupland, Sarah2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
uvea, choroidUveal collision tumour Choroidal melanoma and choroidal plasmocytomaProtocol
Cummings, Thomas J. 2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
brain, retinaBrain tumors in a patient with inherited retinoblastoma Protocol
Crawford, J. Brooks 2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
eye Ocular coccidioidomycosisProtocol
Dubovy, Sander R. 2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
retina, maculaClinicopathologic correlation of an eye with exudative ARMD treated with Lucentis as part of the PRONTO trial Exudative age-related macular degeneration (ARMD)Protocol
Eagle, Ralph C. Jr2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
ciliary bodyPleomorphic adenocarcinoma of the nonpigmented ciliary epithelium in a man long-blind from bilateral retinal detachments associated with Stickler syndromePleomorphic adenocarcinoma of the nonpigmented ciliary epithelium. Stickler syndromeProtocol
Egbert, Peter R.2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
conjunctiva Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the conjunctiva with intraocular invasionProtocol
Font, Ramon 2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
eyelidBilateral nodulo-ulcerative lesions of the eyelids in a 91 year old woman Protocol
Grossniklaus, Hans E. 2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
The Verhoeff-Zimmerman Society - 60 years plus
Grossniklaus, Hans E. 2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
retinaPNET of the RetinaProtocol
Gyorffy, Hajnalka2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
eyeRapidly growing intraocular mass and signs of inflammation Protocol
Harocopos, George J. 2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
choroidChoroidal tumor Protocol
Heegaard, Steffen2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
lensThe lens - the convicting evidence Protocol
Holbach, Leonard 2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
orbitInfiltrative orbital mass involving the lacrimal gland, lateral and superior rectus muscles in a 40 year old female idiopathic sclerosing inflammation of the orbitProtocol
Iacob, Codrin E. 2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
orbitUnexpected lymphoid lesion in a 21 year old patients with left orbital mass Not presented
Kennedy, Susan2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
eyelidRecurrent lid lesion Protocol
Kivelä, Tero 2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
iris, retina Retinoinvasive iris melanomaProtocol
Kivelä, Tero and Coupland, Sarah2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
Revision of the International Council of Ophthalmology Ophthalmic Pathology Curriculum for Residents
Kramer, Theresa R.2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
optic nerve"Optic Nerve Hemangioblastoma" in von Hippel-LindauOptic Nerve HemangioblastomaProtocol
Löeffler, Karin2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
conjunctiva Conjunctival nevus with "buried" junctional activityProtocol
Luthert, Phil2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
retinaBilateral retinopathy in a 21 year old male with common variable immunodeficiencyProtocol
Messmer, Elisabeth M.2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
orbit, retinaPeriorbital tumor after retinoblastoma Protocol
Meyer, Peter2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
corneaCorneal dystrophy of unknown origin Schnyder corneal dystrophyProtocol
Mooy, Cornelia2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
cornea Fish eye disease with amyloid depositsProtocol
Pecorella, Irene2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
orbit Orbital Schwannoma Protocol
Prause, Jan Ulrik2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
orbit Cystic lymphoepithelial lesion of the orbit Protocol
Proença, Rui2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
lacrimal gland Bilateral tuberculous dacryoadenitis Protocol
Rasic, Dejan2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
lacrimal gland Aggressive sinonasal psammomatoid ossifying fibroma with intraorbital extension Protocol
Roberts, Fiona2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
retina, lens Leber's congenital amaurosis with buphthalmos and cataract Protocol
Rymgayllo-Jankowska, Beata 2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
conjunctivaConjunctival MALT lymphoma in both eyes treated with interferon alfa-2b (Roferon-A) injections Conjunctival MALT lymphomaProtocol
Sach, Josef2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
retina Sebaceous carcinoma mimicking chronic conjunctivitisProtocol
Saornil, Maria Antonia 2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
uveaUveal melanoma: massive extraocular extension after conservative treatment Uveal melanoma: massive extraocular extension after conservative treatmentProtocol
Seregard, Stefan2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
eyelid A great retinal mimickerProtocol
Syed, Nasreen A. 2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
orbit, retina Orbital liposarcoma in a patient with hereditary retinoblastoma Protocol
Tarkkanen, Ahti 2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
The EOPS - 50 years: how did it start in 1962?
Toth, Jeanette2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
orbit, sclera Granulomatous inflammation of the orbit and sclera due to Cryptococcus neoformans Protocol
Van der Valk, Paul2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
corneaA severely abnormal cornea: Peters' anomaly? Protocol
van Ginderdeuren, Rita2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
retinaMassive gliosis and metaplasia of retina simulating pseudotumourMassive gliosis and metaplasia of retina simulating pseudotumour Protocol
Wilson, David J. 2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
orbit Langerhans cell histiocytosisProtocol
Yanoff, Myron 2011 Helsinki
10th Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
Phycomycosis secondary to Rhizopus oryzaeProtocol
Auw-Haedrich, Claudia2010 Dublincornea Corneal tumour in a 57 year old patient with bullous Keratopathy following intraocular lens implantation(Secondary) corneal myxoma
Balestrazzi, Emilio2010 Dublinconjunctiva Progression of conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma facilitated by Mitomycin Cconjunctival squamous cell carcinoma
Blasi, Maria Antonietta2010 Dublinciliarr body Ciliary body melanocytoma
Coupland, Sarah2010 Dublinchoroid, retina Sudden loss of vision, 15 years after renal transplantationNecrotising chorioretinitis caused by toxoplasmosis gondii
Gyorffy, Hajnalka2010 Dublineyelid Cutaneous primary anaplastic large T cell lymphoma of the eyelid
Heegaard, Steffen2010 Dublinconjunctiva Subconjunctival dirofilariasis caused by Dirofiaria repens
Heathcote G2010 Dublinorbit Bilateral orbital swelling in a 69-year-old man with a history of scalp nodulesIgG4-related sclerosing orbital inflammation, cutaneous pseudolymphoma with crystal-storing histiocytosis
Holbach, Leonard2010 Dublinconjunctiva, orbit Conjunctival mass with orbital invasion in a 45 year old maleConjunctival squamous cell carcinoma
Jeffrey, M2010 Dublineyelid, breast Metastatic breast carcinoma with histiocytoid differentiation Eyelid metastatic breast carcinoma
Kanavi M R2010 Dublincornea Impression cytology and histopathology in chronic and delayed-onset mustard gas keratopathy.
Kanavi M R2010 Dublincornea “Fair quality donor corneas: are they always safe for anterior deep lamellar techniques?”
Kantelip, Bernadette2010 Dublincornea, nails Pachyonychia congenita with corneal dyskeratosia
Kennedy, Susan2010 DublinorbitOrbital and cavernous sinus tumour Metastatic desmoplastic malignant melanoma of the sinus
Kivelä, Tero2010 Dublincornea Epithelial ingrowth by transplantation
Löeffler, Karin2010 Dublinconjunctiva, eyelid Subconjunctival tumour after lid surgeryEpibulbar Osseous Choristoma
Luthert, Phil2010 Dublinretina Retinal developmental abnormality
Messmer, Elisabeth M.2010 Dublincornea Metallic Intracorneal Ring
Meyer, Peter2010 Dublinorbit Cholesterol granuloma of the right orbit
Mooy, Cornelia2010 Dublincornea Zipper cell endotheliopathy: a new subset of corneal oedema
Moulin, Alexandre2010 Dublineye Malignant medulloepithelioma treated by brachytherapy
Pecorella, Irene2010 Dublincornea Merkel cell carcinoma of the upper eyelid
Prause, Jan Ulrik2010 Dublinorbit Myo-fibrocytic tumour of the orbit – infantile myofibromatosis
Proença, Rui2010 Dublinorbit, breast Orbital metastasis from an occult breast cancer
Rasic, Dejan2010 Dublinorbit, conjunctiva Richly myxoid (sub)conjunctival neoplasm extending to (or arising from?) anterior orbitConjunctival myxofibrosarcoma (low-grade)
Roberts, Fiona2010 Dublincornea Corneal perforation in the Sezary syndrome
Rymgayllo-Jankowska, Beata2010 Dublincorneal limbus Limbal pseudocyst of unknown origin
Sach, Josef2010 Dublineye Ocular Toxoplasmosis
Seregard, Stefan2010 Dublineyelid Eyelid mass in a 45 year old womanMeningioma of eyelid
Toth, Jeanette2010 Dublineyelid Invasive carcinoma of the cornea in a healthy patient
Van der Valk, Paul2010 Dublin Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome or ..?
van Ginderdeuren, Rita2010 Dublineyelid Granulomatous inflammation on injected esthetical material
Ventura, Luca2010 Dublinlacrimal gland Cyto-histologic correlations in an incidentally discovered lacrimal gland tumour Lacrimal gland pleomorphic adenoma
Verdijk, Robert M2010 DublineyelidPhakomatous choristoma, a rare tumor of the eyelidPhakomatous choristoma of the eyelid
Wilson, David J.2010 DublinuveaBilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation
Auw-Hadrich, Claudia2009 AmsterdameyePainful blind eye with surprising intraocular finding several years following vitrectomy with silicone oil in a 79-year old patient Diffuse large B-cell lymphomaPresentation
Balestrazzi, Emilio2009 AmsterdamorbitAtypical presentation of a solitary fibrous tumoursolitary fibrous tumour of the orbit Presentation
Bechrakis, Nikolas2009 AmsterdamuveaSympathetic ophthalmia after transscleral resection of a uveal melanoma Sympathetic ophthalmia after transscleral resection of a uveal melanomaPresentation
Blasi, Maria Antonietta2009 Amsterdamlacrimal sac72-year-old man with a 1-year history of swelling in the region of the left lacrimal sac. Firm, tender mass straddling the medial canthal ligament and fixed to the orbital rim Extra nodal marginal zone lymphoma of the lacrimal sacPresentation
Carrera, Marta 2009 AmsterdamcorneaFrancois corneal cloudy dystrophy Francois corneal dystrophyPresentation
Chevez-Barrios, Patricia 2009 AmsterdameyelidFungating lower eyelid mass in a girl with congenital immunodeficiency Herpes vegetans in a girl with congenital immunodeficiencyPresentation
Coupland, Sarah2009 AmsterdamchoroidIndeterminate choroidal tumour in a 7-year old Spindle cell choroidal melanoma in a child Presentation
Dithmar, Stefan 2009 AmsterdamcorneaArthrographis kalrae – rare fungal corneal infection in an immunocompetent patient Arthrographis kalrae – rare fungal corneal infection in an immunocompetent patientPresentation
Girnita, Leonard2009 AmsterdameyelidRecent upper eyelid tumour Merkel Cell Carcinoma Presentation
Gyorffy, Hajnalka 2009 AmsterdameyelidApocrine cystadenoma Apocrine cystadenoma Presentation
Heegaard, Steffen2009 Amsterdamlacrimal gland38-year-old male with painful swelling for 10 years Granular cell tumour of the lacrimal gland Presentation
Hiscott, Paul2009 AmsterdamretinaMalaria retinopathy – 2 patients Malaria retinopathy Presentation
Holbach, Leonard2009 Amsterdamorbit, lacrimal glandInfiltrative orbital mass involving the lacrimal gland in a 68-year old female Myoepithelial carcinoma (low-grade) arising in a pre-existing pleomorphic adenoma Presentation
Kantelip, Bernadette 2009 Amsterdameyelid43 year-old woman with a tumour of the right lower eyelid Neuroendocrine carcinoma with paraganglioma-like pattern Presentation
Kennedy, Susan2009 AmsterdamorbitOrbital tumour in a 75-year-old woman Silicone Oil Granuloma Presentation
Kivelä, Tero 2009 AmsterdamorbitA 57 year old woman with a 21 year long history of asthma and a 5 year long history of orbital pseudotumour Periocular Xanthogranulomatosis Presentation
Liu, David2009 AmsterdameyelidUpper- Eyelid/sub-brow mass in a man with Bechet’s disease Extravascular Papillary Endothelial Hyperplasia (Masson’s tumor) Presentation
Löeffler, Karin2009 AmsterdamconjunctivaUnusual conjunctival lesion in a 54-year old male Conjunctival Myxoma Presentation
Luthert, Phil2009 Amsterdamciliary bodyExtra nodal NK/T cell lymphoma, nasal type Extra nodal NK/T cell lymphoma, nasal type Presentation
Messmer, Elisabeth M.2009 AmsterdamorbitOrbital mass with hideous proptosis in an 8 week-old girl Mature teratoma of the orbit Presentation
Meyer, Peter2009 Amsterdamsclera, conjunctivaUnusual pigmented perilimbal tumor with infiltration of sclera of the left eye Brown foreign body reaction simulating malignant melanoma Presentation
Mooy, Cornelia2009 Amsterdamorbit38-years-old lady with slowly growing mass (> 1year) at right medial canthus Epithelioid haemangioma of the orbit Presentation
Pecorella, Irene 2009 AmsterdameyelidOssification in a basal cell carcinoma of the eyelid Ossifying basal cell carcinoma Presentation
Prause, Jan Ulrik2009 AmsterdamconjunctivaCarcinosarcoma of the conjunctiva in a person with Fanconi anemia Carcinosarcoma of the conjunctiva in a person with Fanconi anemia Presentation
Proença, Rui2009 AmsterdamuveaIsolated lymph node metastasis arising from uveal melanoma Isolated lymph node metastasis arising from uveal melanoma Presentation
Rasic, Dejan2009 AmsterdamuveaPrimary panuveal lymphoma with massive epibulbar extension and meningeal penetration Primary panuveal lymphoma with massive epibulbar extension and meningeal penetration Presentation
Rymgayllo-Jankowska, Beata2009 AmsterdameyeBehcet’s disease Behcet’s disease Presentation
Roberts, Fiona2009 AmsterdamorbitHydatid cyst of the orbit Hydatid cyst of the orbit Presentation
Sach, Josef2009 AmsterdameyeIntraocular melanoma with presumed metastatic origin from the skinIntraocular melanoma with presumed metastatic origin from the skin Presentation
Saornil, Maria Antonia2009 AmsterdamconjunctivaPAM & conjunctival melanoma in nevus of Ota Conjunctival melanoma arising from PAM with atypical Presentation
Seregard, Stefan2009 Amsterdamorbit41-year old man with one month history of diplopia Orbital eosinophilic myositis Presentation
Toth, Jeanette2009 AmsterdamorbitHeterotopic brain tissue in the orbit Heterotopic brain tissue in the orbit Presentation
Van der Valk, Paul2009 AmsterdamorbitOrbital plasmacytoma, easy and difficult Orbital plasmacytoma Presentation
van Ginderdeuren, Rita2009 Amsterdamcornea, irisCongenital anterior segment dysgenesis, Peters Anomaly, linked with a mouse model Congenital anterior segment dysgenesis, Peters Anomaly Presentation
van Suylen, R.J. 2009 AmsterdamorbitOrbital mass in a 43 years old female Orbital metastasis from primary pancreatic adenocarcinoma Presentation
Ventura, Luca2009 Amsterdam Not presented
Verdijk, Robert M2009 Amsterdamretina, lens, optic nerve Optic findings in mitochondrial encephalomyopathy with ND1 gene mutationOptic findings in mitochondrial encephalomyopathy with ND1 gene mutation Presentation
Auw-Hädrich, Claudia2008 Besançoncornea Bilateral opacification leading to corneal transplantation at the age of 74Gly623Asp-mutation associated corneal dystrophyPresentation
Balestrazzi, Emilio2008 Besançoneyelid, orbit A 37-year-old man with a slowly growing tumour in the right medial canthusEccrine porocarcinoma with orbital invasionPresentation
Blasi, Maria Antonietta2008 Besançoneyebrown, orbitA 74-year-old woman evaluated for prolapse of her right globeEyebrow Squamous Cell Carcinoma with Orbital InvasionPresentation
Coupland, Sarah2008 BesançoneyeOcular Wegener’s GranulomatosisOcular Wegener’s GranulomatosisPresentation
Goma i Gallego, Monserrat2008 Besançonciliary body Adenoma of the pigmented ciliary epithelium – incidental findingAdenoma of the pigmented ciliary epitheliumPresentation
Grossniklaus, Hans E. 2008 Besançonorbit Carcinosarcoma of the orbitCarcinosarcoma of the orbitPresentation
Heegaard, Steffen2008 BesançonlensFeline intraocular sarcomaFeline intraocular sarcomaPresentation
Hiscott, Paul2008 BesançonchoroidChoroidal neovascular membrane after Avastin treatment: the impact of anti-VEGF therapy on the pathology of periretinal neovascularisationChoroidal neovascular membranePresentation
Holbach, Leonard2008 Besançonorbit, bone Slowly progressive proptosis with downward displacement in a 37-year-old femaleChondromyxoid fibroma of bone Presentation
Kennedy, Susan2008 Besançonmaxillary sinusMass epicentre in the left ethmoidal sinus extending into the extraconal space in the left orbit causing displacement of the left globe and medial rectus muscleMyoepithelial carcinomaPresentation
Kivelä, Tero2008 BesançoneyeCyclopia in Cephalopagus TriophthalmusCyclopia in Cephalopagus TriophthalmusPresentation
Latkovic, Zoran2008 Besançonciliary bodyCiliary body leiomyomaCiliary body leiomyomaPresentation
Luthert, Phil2008 BesançonirisPigmented iris lesionIris melanomaPresentation
Pecorella, Irene2008 Besançonciliary bodyAdenoma of the nonpigmented ciliary epithelium with smooth muscle differentiationAdenoma of the nonpigmented ciliary epithelium with smooth muscle differentiationPresentation
Proença, Rui2008 BesançonretinaExperimental work on Blood-Retinal BarrierExperimental work on Blood-Retinal BarrierPresentation
Saornil, Maria Antonia2008 BesançonuveaUveal melanoma in Melanosis oculiUveal melanoma in melanosis oculiPresentation
Toth, Jeanette2008 BesançonchoroidOssifying fibromyxoid tumour (OFMT) of the choroid mimicking a malignant melanoma in a 27 month old childOssifying fibromyxoid tumour (OFMT) of the choroidPresentation
Van der Valk, Paul2008 BesançonretinaRetinocytoma. Benign from the start or benign through forced differentiation?RetinocytomaPresentation
van Ginderdeuren, Rita2008 BesançonvitreousPrimary Familial vitreal Amyloidosis with coagulation defect, diagnosed after diagnostic vitrectomyPrimary Familial vitreal AmyloidosisPresentation
Ventura, Luca2008 BesançoneyePaleopathologic investigation of the left eye of Maria d’Aragona (1503-1568), Marquise of VastoPaleopathologic investigation of the left eye of Maria d’AragonaPresentation
Völker, H.E.2008 BesançoneyeA 5-year-old boy with stromal iris cyst with a documented growth over 2 monthsPrimary Iris Stromal CystsPresentation
Auw-Hadrich, Claudia2007 Romecornea, eyelidCorneal pannus in chronic blepharitis with surprising histological findingOcular calcinosis with foreign body granulomaPresentation
Balestrazzi, Emilio2007 Romelacrimal gland77-year-old man referred for evaluation of a left-sided orbital mass, identified as an abscessLymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma of the lacrimal glandPresentation
Blasi, Maria Antonietta2007 Romechoroid, uveaA 47-year-old lady with well-demarcated, slightly pigmented choroidal massFamilial uveal melanoma Presentation
Carrera, Marta2007 Romeorbit, lacrimal glandYoung women, 20 y. old Orbital and upper eyelid tumor, pushing the eye dawn and nasally with quick growth recentlyLacrimal gland mixed tumourPresentation
Dithmar, Stefen2007 RomeeyelidMultiple basal cell carcinomas in a 13 year old patient with Gorlin-Goltz syndrome Multiple basal cell carcinomas in a 13 year old patient with Gorlin-Goltz syndrome Presentation
Dryja, Thaddeus P. 2007 Romeorbit28-year-old male with pain in the left eye and temple. 4 months earlier blurred vision had developed and gaze-induced amaurosisSecretory meningiomaPresentation
van Ginderdeuren, Rita2007 Romeretina25y old lady with exudative retinal detachment, cystoid macular oedema, retinal vascular anomaly and a hemangioblastomaPhacoma or retinal angioma in Von Hippel-Lindau diseasePresentation
Girnita, Leonard2007 RomeorbitA 13-year-old boy with unilateral proptosis, astigmatism, slight amblyopia of the left eye and rounded mass filling most of the left intraconal room at CTMalignant Orbital Solitary Fibrous TumorPresentation
Heegaard, Steffen2007 Romesclera, uvea, choroidLid lesion in a 63 year old male: MAC the mimicMelanoma associated spongiform scleropathy Presentation
Hiscott, Paul2007 RomeeyelidLid lesion in a 63 year old male: MAC the mimicMicrocystic adnexal carcinomaPresentation
Holbach, Leonard2007 Romeeyelid69-year-old male with squamous cell carcinoma of the lung removed two years agoSebaceous gland carcinoma of the eyelid and squamous cell carcinoma of the lung Presentation
Kantelip, Bernadette 2007 Romeorbit33-year-old-woman with diplopia, proptosis and circumscribed intraconal tumor of the right orbitFibrosarcoma of the orbitPresentation
Kennedy, Susan2007 RomeretinaBilateral massive retinal haemorrhages in a 6 month old infant retinal haemorrhage as a result of hypernatraemic dehydration, secondary to Rota virusPresentation
Kivela, Tero2007 Romeorbit, sclera, uveaSudden proptosis, pansinusitis and visual loss in a 55 year old healthy man Zygomycosis rhinocerebralis et orbitae. Sclerouveitis necroticansPresentation
Loeffler, Karin2007 RomeeyelidNodular tumour of the upper eyelidMetastatic pancreatic adenocarcinomaPresentation
Luthert, Phil2007 RomeorbitOrbital mass in a 5 year old childBurkitt lymphomaPresentation
Meyer, Peter2007 RomeeyelidSebaceous gland carcinoma presenting a chalazion-like mass in a 28-year old manSebaceous gland carcinomaPresentation
Mooy, Cornelia2007 Romeconjunctiva33-year-old-lady with AIDS with hemorraghic vasculitis, white retinal infiltratesConjunctival Kaposi sarcoma Presentation
Prause, Jan Ulrik2007 Romeoptic nerve3-year-old boy with optic nerve tumorMalignant non-teratoid medulloepithelioma of optic nervePresentation
Pecorella, Irene2007 Romechoroid, uveaA 66-year-old woman complaining of progressive visual loss in LE with retinal detachment and large non-pigmented choroidal tumourVasocentric fascicular melanoma Presentation
Rasic, Dejan2007 Romeretina, limbusLady aged 50 - painful glaucoma in her left eyeRetinitis pigmentosa with chronic angle-closure glaucoma Presentation
Roberts, Fiona2007 RomeeyelidCutaneous leishmaniasis of the eyelid mimicking molluscum contagiosum LeishmaniasisPresentation
Sach, Josef2007 Romeuvea57 years old Caucasian woman with congenital ocular melanocytosis on the right eyeUveal melanoma of the posterior pole arising in congenital ocular melanocytosis Presentation
Seregard, Stefan2007 RomeirisIris melanoma managed by proton beam radiotherapy Iris melanomaPresentation
Toth, Jeannette2007 Romeciliary body, iris36 years-old healthy female with brown lesion of two-year duration in the left irisCavitary melanoma of ciliary body Presentation
van der Valk, Paul2007 Romeoptic nerve8-month-pld-boy with aplasia of the optic nerve associated retinal dysplasia, mimicking an intraocular tumourAplasia of optic nerve and retinal dysplasiaPresentation
Ventura, Luca2007 Romeorbit56-year-old man with left intraorbital tumor. Three months earlier, onset of progressive left proptosis, ocular pain, and visual deteriorationOrbital germinoma Presentation
Völcker, Hans Eberhard2007 Romeiris22-year-old male with iris lesion known since childhoodSpindle-Cell Melanoma of the IrisPresentation
de Wolff-Rouendaal, Didi2007 Romeeyelid, orbitMalignant adnex tumour of the eyelid invading the orbitAdenocarcinoma of Moll’s sweat glandPresentation
Zagórski, Zbigniew2007 Romecornea, limbus, uveaLocalized granulomatous inflammation of the limbus corneae mimicking an intraocular tumor Granulomatous inflammation of unknown origin of the anterior uvea and corneoscleral limbusPresentation
Albert, Daniel M.2006 New York
Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
eyelid Fibrous Hamartoma of Infancy in an Upper Eyelid
Blasi, Maria Antonietta2006 New York
Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
orbit Multiple Myeloma with Orbital Invasion
Boniuk, Milton2006 New York
Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
cornea, sclera Fibrous Histiocytoma of the Cornea and Sclera
Brown, Harry2006 New York
Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
lacrimal gland Mantle Cell Lymphoma of the Lacrimal Gland
Cameron, J. Douglas2006 New York
Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
Natural Killer/T-Cell Lymphoma (Midline lethal granuloma) Two Cases with a Fatal Outcome Natural Killer/T-Cell Lymphoma
Eagle, Ralph C. Jr2006 New York
Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
conjunctiva Intraocular Invasion by Conjunctival Melanoma
Folberg, Robert2006 New York
Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
retinaAn Eye Enucleated for Large B-cell Lymphoma of the Retina Large B-cell Lymphoma of the Retina
Friedman, Alan H.2006 New York
Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
conjunctivaMalignant Melanoma of the Conjunctiva in an African-American Male Melanoma of the Conjunctiva
van Ginderdeuren, Rita2006 New York
Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
orbitPrimary Orbital Melanoma Out a Nevus of Ota
Grossniklaus, Hans E.2006 New York
Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
corneaAvellino Corneal Dystrophy After LASIK
Heegaard, Steffen2006 New York
Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
Lacrimal Sac Lymphoma of the Lacrimal Sac
Hidayat, Ahmed A.2006 New York
Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
orbit Primary Malignant Melanoma of Orbit
Hogan, N2006 New York
Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
iris Gigantic Melanin Granule Magnocellular Nevus (Melanocytoma) of the Iris in a child Melanocytoma of the Iris
Klintworth, Gordon K.2006 New York
Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
retina, choroid Sveinsson Chorioretinal Atrophy (helicoid peripapillary chorioretinal degeneration)
Mooy, Cornelia M.2006 New York
Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
Ocular Findings in Spino-Cerebellar Ataxia (SCA) 7
Roberts, Fiona2006 New York
Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
Ocular Pathology of Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl Syndrome
Sach, Josef2006 New York
Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
conjunctivaConjunctival Lymphoma in Children's Age Conjunctival Lymphoma
Salomao, D.R.2006 New York
Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
Monoclonal B-Cell Proliferation Associated with Acute EBV-Infection (Infectious Mononucleosis) - Large B-Cell Lymphoma?Large B-Cell Lymphoma
Syed, Nasreen A.2006 New York
Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
Necrobiotic Xanthogranuloma without Paraproteinemia
van der Valk, Paul2006 New York
Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
eyelid Rare Histiocytic Disorder of the Eyelids Histiocytic Disorder
Völcker, Hans Eberhard2006 New York
Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
iris Juvenile Xanthogranuloma of the Iris
Wilson, D.J.2006 New York
Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
uveaPrimary Uveal Lymphoma
de Wolff-Rouendaal, Didi2006 New York
Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
retinaLate complications in Retinopathy Of Prematurity (ROP)Retinopathy of Prematurity
Yanoff, Myron2006 New York
Joint EOPS-VZS Meeting
orbit Juxtaorbital Metastatic Adenocarcinoma
Balestrazzi, Emilio2005 Pragueeyelid Sebaceous carcinoma (SC) of the eyelidPresentation
Blasi, Maria Antonietta2005 Praguechoroid Choroidal metastasis from a well-differentiated lung adenocarcinoma of fetal typePresentation
Carrera, Marta2005 Praguecornea Crystalloidal corneal deposits in a case of multiple myelomaPresentation
Clark, B. J.2005 Pragueeyelid Merkel Cell Carcinoma of the Eyelid Presentation
de Wolff-Rouendaal, Didi2005 Pragueretina, RPE Primary intraocular adenocarcinoma of the RPEPresentation
Diczházi, Csaba2005 PragueChoroid, uvea Choroidal metastasis of breast cancerPresentation
Friedman, Alan H. 2005 PragueCaruncle Spitz nevus of the carunclePresentation
Heegaard, Steffen2005 PragueLacrimal gland Pleomorphic adenoma in an accessory lacrimal glandPresentation
Hiscott, Paul2005 Praguechoroid Uveitis-associated choroidal neovascular membranePresentation
Holbach, Leo2005 Pragueretina and RPE Malignant adenocarcinoma of the RPE with orbital and cranial optic nerve invasion Presentation
Rymgayllo-Jankowska, Beata2005 Pragueeyelid Mycosis fungoides of the eyelidPresentation
Kantelip, Bernadette2005 Pragueeyelid Ocular lesions in segmental NF1Presentation
Kennedy, Susan2005 Praguechoroid Choroidal thrombotic microangiopathy in a patient with Wegener’s GranulomatosisPresentation
Löffler, Karin U.2005 Praguecornea Recurrent Corneal Tumour in a ChildPresentation
Luthert, Phil2005 Pragueeye Norrie’s DiseasePresentation
Méndez, María Carmen2005 Pragueconjunctiva Ligneous conjunctivitisPresentation
Balestrazzi, Emilio2004 BelgradeChoroid Choroidal necrotic melanocytoma in a childPresentation
Blasi, Maria Antonietta2004 Belgradeuvea Necrotic uveal melanomaPresentation
Carrera, Marta 2004 Belgradeorbit Cellular SchwannomaPresentation
Clark, Brian J. 2004 Belgradeorbit Castleman’s disease of the orbitPresentation
Van Ginderdeuren, Rita2004 Belgraderetina The internal limiting membrane of the retina in macular diseasePresentation
Heegaard, Steffen2004 Belgradecornea Primary corneal myxomaPresentation
Hiscott, Paul2004 Belgradelens Congenital aphakia/fibrous metaplasia of lens in microphthalmos Presentation
Holbach, Leonard M. 2004 Belgradeconjunctiva Sebaceous gland carcinoma of the tarsal conjunctiva Presentation
Kantelip, Bernadette 2004 Belgradeconjunctiva Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma of the conjunctiva Presentation
Latkovic, Zoran 2004 Belgradeglobe, retina PseudoretinoblastomaCoats’- like anomaly with unusual secondary changes Presentation
Löffler, Karin U. 2004 Belgradeglobe, retina Fulminant post-traumatic sympathetic endophthalmitis in a childPresentation
Luthert, Phil 2004 Belgradeglobe, retina Proteus SyndromePresentation
Méndez, Maria Carmen 2004 BelgradeeyelidBilateral proptosis with ocular motility restriction Long standing granulomatous and necrotizing small vessel vasculitis (Wegener disease) Presentation
Meyer, Peter2004 Belgradeglobe Mucopolysaccharidose type I-H (Hurler)Presentation
Mooy, Cornelia M.2004 Belgradeglobe Synophthalmia in holoprosencephaly (cyclops)Presentation
Parsons, M. Andrew 2004 Belgraderetina and RPE "Ancient" Congenital Hypertrophy of the RPEPresentation
Pecorella, Irene 2004 Belgradesclera Idiopathic diffuse necrotising scleritisPresentation
Prause, Jan Ulrik 2004 Belgradeiris IPseudo-aphakic iris tumourPresentation
Rasic, Dejan M. 2004 BelgradeeyelidChondroblastoma-like tumour of the eyelid Presentation
Roberts, Fiona 2004 Belgradelens Bilateral Developmental CataractsPresentation
Sach, Josef2004 Belgradeglobe Ocular SarcoidosisPresentation
Saornil, María Antonia2004 BelgradeChoroid Cavitary Choroidal MelanomaPresentation
Sassani, Joseph W. 2004 Belgradeconjunctiva Conjunctival choristoma in linear nevus sebaceous syndromePresentation
Seregard, Stefan 2004 Belgradeorbit Orbital alveolar soft part sarcomaPresentation
Süveges, Ildikó 2004 Belgradecornea Intracorneal epithelial ingrowth after various surgical proceduresPresentation
Tarkkanen, Ahti 2004 Belgradesclera, uvea Granulomatous sclerouveitis (Wegener)Presentation
Tóth, Jeannette 2004 Belgradeconjunctiva Ligneous conjunctivitis in a 3 month-old child Presentation
van der Valk, Paul2004 Belgraderetina, globe apoptotic sporadic retinoblastomaPresentation
Volcker, H.E 2004 Belgradeiris Primary intraocular Lymphoma originating in the IrisPresentation
Wolff-Rouendaal, Didi de2004 Belgradeciliary bodyCiliary body tumour Adenoma of the nonpigmented ciliary body epitheliumPresentation
Zagórski, Zbigniew 2004 Belgradecornea, iris, ciliary bodyCystic Epithelial Ingrowth Presentation